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  • Strawberries For Rabbits

    Strawberries For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Opposed to traditional theories, your pet rabbit’s balanced diet is not just too limited to carrots and lettuce. And like other pets such as cats and dogs, you want to ensure that your lovely rabbits won’t stay on their conventional diets, like hays such as orchard grass, oat hay, brome, and timothy.  Your rabbit pet […] More

  • Rabbit Pellets

    6 Rabbit Pellets You Can Trust

    Pellets are important to be introduced in the earlier phases of your bunny’s growth and diet since they are extremely focused on nutrients. A high-quality pellet brand nourishment must be rich in fiber (18% smallest) and nutritionally stable.  As a bunny reaches adulthood, pellets must level up, and less food must be substituted, such as […] More

  • Apples For Rabbits

    Apples For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Apples are delicious, healthy, and common fruit snacks for numerous people. As the proverb says: “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” Besides, apples are positively acclaimed for their nourishing assistance. But at the same time, as most individuals would decide that apples are decent for people, the question is can rabbits eat apples […] More

  • Cauliflowers For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Cauliflower? (Feeding Guide, Health Risks & Advantages)

    Owning a rabbit is a responsible task since you will be the one who is accountable for their health and wellness. It is not as easy as most people think because rabbits are more sensitive and vulnerable than other pets. To improve their lifespan, an active lifestyle is important for them so that they will […] More

  • Food For Baby Bunnies

    What Food Do Baby Bunnies Eat? (Ideal Diet & Care Guide)

    Generally, it is known that a rabbit’s diet is important because it has a big impact on developing its overall health and well-being. And as herbivore animals, they mostly get their energy and nutrients from hays and grass. In fact, according to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), a bundle […] More

  • Rabbit Anatomy

    Rabbit Anatomy 101: The Definitive Guide

    A rabbit’s anatomy is not complicated as everyone thinks. Like other species, rabbits are composed of eyes, noses, ears, lips, and other body systems. All parts of their body work as one to help your pet function effectively. According to the American Association of Anatomy, the word ” anatomy ” is the study of the […] More

  • Rabbit Malnutrition

    Malnutrition In Rabbits: Causes, Signs, Care & Prevention

    Some pet owners face a problem with their rabbits regarding their weight; either their rabbit is obese or underweight. That is why one of the responsibilities you should take seriously is planning the rabbit’s diet. Rabbits are known to be grass fodder or, in other words, herbivore animals. One reason for this is that hays […] More

  • Food For Wild Rabbits

    What Food Do Wild Rabbits Eat? (Facts & Feeding Guide)

    For most pet rabbits, the food source is easy because they have an owner that provides them with meals daily. But wild rabbits have a different situation. They do not have unlimited choices. They are known to graze for food from dawn until dusk.  Wild rabbits are classified the same as pet rabbits; they are […] More

  • Rabbit Survival Without Food

    How Long Can Rabbits Survive Without Food? (Survival Rate, Facts & Care Guide)

    Taking care of bunnies has become popular in the past years. They are low-maintenance pets and will add cuteness to your daily life.  However, one thing that you should consider is planning their diet well. Rabbit’s main diet consists of  80 percent grass and hay; for the remaining percent, you can feed them with safe […] More

  • Sweet Foods For Rabbits

    Do Rabbits Love Sweet Foods? (Natural Treats & Feeding Guide)

    Rabbits, in general, have a sweet tooth, and they love treats. This is why sometimes you should control yourself, especially if your rabbit shows cute begging faces.  Hays and pellets should still be their primary source of nutrients because your pet’s metabolism needs a lot of fiber from the grass. High-fiber food helps them digest […] More

  • Biscuits For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Biscuits? (Facts & Food Alternatives)

    Rabbit digestion works differently than other species. This is one of the common mistakes that some rabbit owners forget. That is why sometimes they think some foods are fine or do not have an effect when the rabbit digests them. In reality, several foods can affect the rabbit’s health.  One reason is that a pet’s […] More

  • Mushrooms For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Mushrooms? (Facts & Food Alternatives)

    Mushrooms are a fungus growing in most parts of the world. They are typically seen in warm and wet woodland areas. There are several thousand types of wild mushrooms.  According to some studies, there are thousands of mushroom species. And some of them are recorded to be poisonous.  Because there are many mushrooms, we cannot […] More

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