
American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit Care Sheet

American Fuzzy Lop Rabbit Care Sheet

Scientific Facts

Common Name:American Fuzzy Lop
Scientific Name:Oryctolagus cuniculus
Life Span:5 to 8 years
Size (Adult):Dwarf
Weight (Adult)3.5 to 4 pounds
Habitat:Indoor human homes, farms, gardens
Body Shape:Compact
Country of Origin:United States

Physical Description

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The American fuzzy lop is a breed of rabbit that’s recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association or ARBA. It looks similar to the Holland lop, but the wool coming from this rabbit is comparable with the Angora rabbit breeds. The American fuzzy lop has shorter wools than the commercial Angora rabbit. Adult American fuzzy lops can weigh up to 4 pounds, and this is the ideal weight for a specimen to qualify for the show.  

The American fuzzy lop weighs 3 to 4 pounds with bucks weighing 3 to 5 pounds. This rabbit has a compact body that looks very muscular. This rabbit comes in colors that are accepted by ARBA. The ears do not stand straight and just merely lops to its sides. The American fuzzy lop has a short and flat muzzle just like a cat.  

The ARBA classifies the American fuzzy lop in two classes: the solid and the broken variety, with all-white being classified as a solid. White American fuzzy lops have red eyes or are REW and may also come with blue eyes or are BEW.

Coat and colors

The American fuzzy lop has a wool coat and can be harvested and spun into yarn despite growing only 2 inches in length. This rabbit has coarse wool, which is similar to an Angora rabbit. The coat is not prone to tangling or matting, but the coat around the tail area is prone to matting because of sitting. 

Colors of the American fuzzy lop are agouti, which is a combination of chestnut, chinchilla, lynx, squirrel, and opal, and pointed white, which has a pure white body. All American fuzzy lops have a distinct mark around their eyes, ears, and nose.

History of the Breed

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The American fuzzy lop’s history is intertwined with the history of the famed Holland lop. When the Holland lop rabbit breed was first introduced, this was available in solid colors only, and some breeders wanted a broken pattern to the gene pool. 

What the breeders did was to breed Holland lops to a breed called the English spots. The breeders were able to develop a rabbit with broken colors, but they were not able to keep the rollback fur that the Holland lop was famous for. The babies that resulted from the breeding program had flyback fur that they inherited from their English spot parent.

The breeders again experimented by breeding the Holland lop with French angoras which are a breed with a gentle rollback fur. The babies had the wool gene that they wanted, and this was introduced to the Holland lop gene pool, and a lop with long wool was found in the lop litters.

The very first American fuzzy lop breeders included Patty Greene-Karl and Gary Fellers from the East Coast and West Coast breeders Kim Landry and Margaret Miller. Greene-Karl has credited for the discovery that the fuzzy gene was a recessive gene; therefore, breeding two Holland lops that have the gene will result in offspring with 25% wooly fur. She decided to develop this as a new breed and called it American fuzzy lops. 

Greene-Karl developed the American fuzzy lop and presented it to the ARBA the first time in 1985 in a convention in Houston, Texas. The ARBA had three standards for wooled lops. The American fuzzy lop was again presented to an ARBA convention in 1986 in Columbus, Ohio, and again, the breed passed. But for the third time in Portland, Oregon, the ARBA did not approve of the breed, stating that it lacked uniformity. The standard was revised, and it described a wooly Holland that had a maximum weight of 4 pounds and an ideal weight of just 3.5 pounds. 

Fast Facts 

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The American fuzzy lop is susceptible to wool block, a condition wherein wool or fur is swallowed by the rabbit, and this remains in the intestine and impacts the area. This is a dangerous condition, and the rabbit may suffer from terrible side effects. This is one of the reasons why you must groom your rabbit even if its coat is not as thick and not as luxurious as an American fuzzy lop. 


Breeding and mating of an American fuzzy lop are quite similar to other rabbit breeds. The female and the male rabbits are placed in a breeding cage and then forced to mate. Usually, the female may not immediately be receptive to the male’s advances and will continue to resist. But after a while, the female submits, and it will allow the male to smell her and finally to mount her. 

Mating is swift, and usually, you’ll know that it’s over and successful when the male finally lets go of the female and leaves her alone. Some breeders say that the male rabbit may thump its hind legs, which a sign that the breeding was successful. 

After a day or two, remove the female from the cage and place this in a separate cage with dried hay. You may also use a nesting box lined with hay. The gestation period for female rabbits is an average of 38 days, and usually, you can tell that the birth of the baby rabbits is near when you see the female restless, not eating or drinking, not socializing.

She will look for a place to give birth and will settle inside the nesting box. Aside from hay, she will use her fur to make the nest warm and safe. She will give birth to 3 to 5 baby rabbits. Babies are born naked, blind, and deaf and are very vulnerable. The female may leave as soon as she gives birth and will return only to nurse at night. And before she leaves her nest, she uses hay to cover her babies. The babies will open their eyes within a week and will leave the nest after 10 days or more. 

Fun Facts

Molting is a stage when a rabbit and other furry animals shed their fur to make way for new fur. In rabbits like the American fuzzy lops, molting is a disaster. Fur will be everywhere, and you might even regret having this pet during this season! But you can avoid having too much fur around by brushing your pet or simply running your hands all over the body to collect fur. Run your fingers through their wool to remove tangles and debris, which are usually stuck in their fur.  

Personality and Behavior

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American fuzzy lops are very energetic, and sometimes these may look like fluffs of fur moving about on the floor. This breed also loves to play and thus makes them a good first-time pet for children.

This breed is also social, and thus you must not just get one rabbit but two or three, so it will remain happy and healthy. Training is easy with the American fuzzy lop because it is friendly, calm, and intelligent. You can train it to come to you or to eat where the feeding area is and to go potty. Some rabbits may resist brushing, but this is not true with the American fuzzy lop because it loves to do so. 

Comparable Breeds

The American fuzzy lop is comparable with its parent breed, the Holland lop. This is a dwarf rabbit breed that weighs only 2 to 4 pounds. The Holland lop is compact and will live up to 14 years when given the best living conditions. It is ideal for singles, apartment dwellers, and families with kids. It is curious, sweet, and energetic which is why many love to have a Holland lop as a pet.

Care of American Fuzzy Lops

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Despite the unique appearance of the American Fuzzy Lop, caring for it is similar to other rabbit breeds. You must always make sure that you’re your pet has the correct diet, housing or enclosure, companionship, and medical treatment.  

When it comes to a rabbit’s diet, hay should make up 70 to 80% of its food. Hay is considered the bulk of a rabbit’s diet, but you may also feed rabbit pellets that have added vitamins and minerals for your rabbit’s good health. You may also serve vegetables and fruits for a well-rounded nutritious diet.

Provide unlimited fresh water and hay. Place the water in a heavy shallow dish so your rabbit can easily drink but won’t knock this over as it moves around its enclosure. You may also place an inverted water bottle with a spout at the end for your pet to drink from.

Your pet also needs healthy and safe food to eat daily. Protect it from pesticides, toxins, and herbicides by giving it organic fruits and vegetables. Younger rabbits need alfalfa hay because it’s rich in calcium, which is an important mineral for growing bones. Adult American Fuzzy Lops will also eat delicious legume hay. 

Train your American Fuzzy Lops well for it to become lovable pets. Interact with your pet by playing with it and teaching it to come to you when called. Rabbits are social animals and thus will also need the companionship of fellow rabbits. Pets that grow up with constant companions and receive regular interactions with their owners are healthier, happier, and are well-rounded pets.  

American Fuzzy Lops are meticulous when it comes to grooming. These will groom themselves to the point that it will take hours before they are done. Rabbits may also groom each other and experts to say that this or a way to bond with other rabbits. 

American Fuzzy Lops are mostly active in the daytime and tend to sleep in the evenings. Therefore, feeding your pet American Fuzzy Lop should be done in the morning when they are active. Captive rabbits sleep 8 hours a day and may sleep close together to keep warm. As you construct a cage or enclosure for your pet rabbits, create a large one where all the members of the group can eat, play, and sleep. 

Supplies and Cages

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The enclosure for captive American Fuzzy Lops must be made of wire with a strong metal or wooden frame. The bottom must be removable because this is where the rabbit’s droppings will fall. This pan makes it easier to clean the cage. The floor of the enclosure should have soft bedding so that it is comfortable for your rabbit and his companions. 

Place a rabbit hay feeder on the side of the enclosure and fill this with hay so your rabbit can eat when it feels hungry. For the lining and bedding, you must only use hay, wooden pellets, or pelleted bedding. Never use newspapers, paper towels, or brown paper bags because these can tear up and won’t be good cage bedding for a rabbit cage.

To maintain a rabbit cage, first, remove your pets and place these inside a safe and clean container, box, or enclosure. Use only a safe cleaner or natural product such as baking soda, white vinegar, or lemon juice. Do not use household cleaners because these may contain toxic ingredients that can negatively affect your pet’s health.

Consider a separate or extra cage if you plan to breed baby American Fuzzy Lops. These are born naked, deaf, and blind; therefore, these need a warm enclosure to keep their bodies at the right temperature. A smaller cage with a cage lamp or lighting is a suitable place to incubate young rabbits.

Health Concerns

An American Fuzzy Lop is a healthy breed and is not affected by a specific disease. The reason for this is could be due to extensive breeding as a show rabbit.  The most common conditions which the American Fuzzy Lop may be affected with are pests like mites, ticks, and fleas, which can also dislodge in their ears, paws, and neck and may be harder to remove because of their thick fur. A groomer and your vet can help you find a good treatment for pests.

American fuzzy lops are not immune to common rabbit diseases. You must keep a close watch of your rabbit’s health and temperament because these may change due to an illness. So, as early as your pet can open its eyes and wean from its mother, take it to the vet for standard vaccinations and tests. 

The vet will conduct tests that will assess the overall health and development of your pet. Also, there are young rabbits with sensitive digestive systems and, therefore, may be prone to different health conditions that affect the digestive tract, including enteritis, bloat, and stasis. These may affect rabbits that are less than two months of age. 

When it comes to parasites, watch out for ear or fur mites and pests. Rabbits that are affected by these parasites have poor hygiene and are kept in dirty surroundings and enclosures. Therefore, cleanliness is essential to a captive rabbit’s health.

Check your rabbit for any signs of illness such as poor appetite, eye discharges, nasal discharges, diarrhea, constipation, and vomiting. You must also watch for an unsteady gait, restlessness, grating of the teeth, and sleeping longer hours because these could be signs of a serious condition.

Another important part of taking care of rabbits is deworming. Your American Fuzzy Lop must be treated for worms once a year during springtime and fall. This very important especially with rabbits that come from the wild or are bred from wild parents

All rabbit breeds should be dewormed using something known as a deworming paste; a pea-sized amount will do. Place this in the rabbit’s mouth, and this will lick and swallow the medication. You must follow the dose depending on your vet’s prescription for the best results.

Dental Care

A rabbit’s teeth will grow continuously, and sometimes, their teeth can grow to extreme lengths that can pierce the gums and mouth, leading to severe pain and discomfort. As an owner, make sure that the rabbit’s teeth will never. 

Give your rabbit hay because this files down the rabbit’s teeth naturally as the rabbit chews. Place pieces of wood, wooden baskets, or other accessories that can file the rabbit’s teeth. 

Spaying or Neutering

Rabbits can breed all year long, and any responsible pet owner will control this by spaying or neutering their pets. Spaying and neutering are usually done at a young age. However, some vets wait until are six months to be safe. Meanwhile, American fuzzy lop bucks are also neutered at a young age because experts say that neutering can reduce aggression. Also, some vets neuter bucks as young as three months. For any question regarding spaying and neutering, talk to your vet for surgical aftercare. 


American Fuzzy Lops come with very long fur and coat. Brush the fur to keep it clean, shiny, and free from pests. Groom this with a small brush at least once or twice a week. 

Grooming must be done more frequently during their molting period when the old fur sheds to allow the new fur to grow. Rabbits will eat their fur as they groom and to prevent wool blocks, and to keep the rabbit from ingesting their fur, you need to groom. Fur can accumulate in the digestive tract leading to blockage and more complications if you don’t help your rabbit groom. 

If your rabbit is dirty, don’t give it a bath because this can make the rabbit very stressed. You may use a damp towel to spot clean the dirt away. Wipe the rabbit down with the towel and use a dry one afterward. Trim your rabbit’s nails regularly and also check its mouth for overgrown teeth. You must also clean your rabbit’s ears since these may also harbor pests when overlooked.

Availability – Where to Get an American Fuzzy Lop

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The price of purchasing an American Fuzzy Lop may depend on whether you are getting a rabbit from a breeder or a pet shop. The price will depend on whether you are buying a rabbit for a pet or a contest. You can expect the price to vary according to gender, size, color, coat quality, and overall appearance.

When you are searching for a reliable breeder, make sure that you are getting a healthy one, and no genetic disorder. Order only from reliable breeders who raise healthy American Fuzzy Lops. You will find this breed in trade fairs and farm events. It is also found in shows and contests sponsored by the ARBA.

How to Care for an American Fuzzy Lop

This is a summary of how to care for an American Fuzzy Lop breed. An American Fuzzy Lop is cared for like other rabbit breeds. There are four basic sections of its care: a proper diet, housing, companionship, and medical care. 

The ideal food of captive-bred rabbits is composed of 70 to 80% hay. Hay is important in their diet to grind their every-growing teeth, keep their digestive system healthy, and maintain regular movements. You may also feed it rabbit pellets, vegetables, and fruits; just cut it into small minutes.

Keep fresh water and hay inside the rabbit’s cage. Hay is rough and thus good in keeping their digestive tracts healthy and regular. Put the water in a large, heavy shallow dish for your rabbit to drink from, and it won’t knock the dish over as it moves inside the cage. 

Take note that captive-bred rabbits are not as calm and friendly the minute they arrive home. But you can turn your nervous and skittish pet into a calm, friendly, and docile pet when you take time to train it. It would help a lot if you train and interact with your day after day. Domesticated rabbits are social animals and will need a companion or companions.

Finally, take your pet to the vet because it needs vaccinations, tests, and a clean bill of health before this may be allowed to socialize with other pets and with you and your family. Take note of different signs of illness in rabbits, and for any symptom, take your pet rabbit to the vet at once. 


Are American Fuzzy Lops carnivorous?

No, American Fuzzy lops are not carnivorous and are herbivores, which means that these will only consume plants or plant parts like roots, flowers, twigs, bark, leaves, stems, seeds, and more. These will also eat rabbit pellets and produce.

What do American Fuzzy Lops eat?

American Fuzzy Lops are herbivorous, and it will eat plants. These will eat all plant parts, and in captivity, it can eat commercially-prepared rabbit food, vegetables, and fruits.

Are American Fuzzy Lops endangered?

No, American Fuzzy Lops are not endangered. There are American Fuzzy Lops available from local and international breeders and in pet shops and human homes kept as pets. 

Will an American Fuzzy Lop eat fruits and vegetables?

Yes, American Fuzzy Lops can eat fruits and vegetables, just chop these into tiny pieces. Aside from these, you may also feed your American Fuzzy Lops pellets or rabbit food, which contains nutrients that your pet will need daily. 

Should you rescue a wild rabbit from the forest?

Never pick a wild animal like a rabbit from the forest. You won’t be able to tame it and make it your pet because it will remain wild. If you find an injured rabbit, you may call animal services for help. 

Where do American Fuzzy Lops remain?

You won’t find American Fuzzy Lops in the wild because these are domesticated rabbits. These prefer to live in human areas and commercial areas, including breeding kennels, pet stores, and human homes. For American Fuzzy Lop pets, these may be placed in large cages indoors or outdoors in groups for companionship.

Can you keep an American Fuzzy Lop as a pet?

Yes, you can keep an American Fuzzy Lop as a pet because this rabbit is docile and sweet. It is a good pet for families but not those with small children because of the small size and grooming needs of this rabbit breed. 

Will American Fuzzy Lops eat their poop?

Yes, like all rabbit breeds, American Fuzzy Lops will eat their poop because these still have nutrients in them. But after consuming their poop once, they won’t do it next time. It is unknown why rabbits do this, and you can avoid this by removing the rabbit droppings as soon as you spot them. 

Can you keep two or more American Fuzzy Lops in a cage?

Yes, you can house two or more rabbits in one cage as long the cage is large enough to them in. The cage should be large, comfortable, and safe, so your rabbit or rabbits can live healthy and happy inside their cage.

How do you maintain and clean an American Fuzzy Lop’s cage?

First things first, remove the rabbit inside the cage and place it in another clean enclosure. Take out the pan where the poop is found and remove the droppings and dispose of properly. Now it’s time to hose it down and use a brush and cleaning product to clean the walls, bottom, accessories, and toys. Next, replace the bedding and wipe everything dry before placing your pet back inside.

Can American Fuzzy Lops swim?

Yes, American Fuzzy Lops can swim like other rabbit breeds but may not be as good. However, most rabbits do not want to get wet and will even despise a bath, and these can stress them a lot. 

How do you tame a wild bunny?

A wild rabbit cannot be tamed because its wild side will still prevail, and you might end up getting hurt. You may train a captive-bred rabbit instead because most of these rabbits have a docile behavior and hence are calmer than wild rabbits. 

How do you take care of baby American Fuzzy Lops?

If you want to take care of baby American Fuzzy Lops, put the babies in a comfortable and warm enclosure. Give them soft, pureed food, and keep these safe and warm all the time. Babies are born blind and deaf and, therefore vulnerable. You must protect these from predators. For wild bunnies, call animal services to have these rescued. 

Can you leave an American Fuzzy Lops indoors?

You may allow a rabbit to stay indoors but under your constant supervision. You must use a portable fence to cover areas that the rabbit is not allowed to go. You must rabbit-proof your home before you set your rabbits free.

Are American Fuzzy Lops bites dangerous?

Yes, American Fuzzy Lop bites could be dangerous because these rabbits may have rabies. Rabbit teeth may also be huge, and this can tear off the flesh and lead to an infected, deep wound.

Can American Fuzzy Lops escape their cages?

Despite its size, and American Fuzzy Lop may escape their cage by kicking or knocking it down. These are too small to jump over but will use force to escape and may even destroy their cages if these are made of light materials. 

Where do you place an American Fuzzy Lop’s cage, indoors, or outdoors?

The location of your pet’s cage may depend on your preference. Indoors, you can protect it from the elements, but the cage may be too be small and may not be enough for several American Fuzzy Lops. When you place the cage outdoors, the rabbits may need to bear the cold, but at least they have a large area for playing, running, and socializing.

How large should an American Fuzzy Lop’s cage be?

An American Fuzzy Lop must be placed in a large enclosure, even if it is not too big. For two rabbits, double this area. Don’t overlook the size and make sure that your rabbits have enough space to play, eat, and sleep, especially several rabbits in one enclosure. 

What happens when the teeth of American Fuzzy Lop become longer?

When the teeth of a rabbit grow longer, it can pierce its mouth and gums, and this can lead to extreme pain and poor appetites. This is why your pet rabbit must see a dentist yearly. Feed it hay since this can grind their teeth short as the rabbit eagerly chews. 

How often do pet rabbits visit the vet?

Rabbits should get a check-up at least twice a year. Young rabbits must be vaccinated against rabbit diseases as early as they can wean from their mother. Rabbits need to have an initial visit to a vet when they are just a few weeks old.

Are American Fuzzy Lops territorial?

Experts say that American Fuzzy Lops are just like all rabbits. This may become territorial when these are kept in a small enclosure. The males can develop aggressive behavior and may become very dangerous to other males during the breeding season. 

Do you need a heater inside an American Fuzzy Lop’s cage?

A caged lamp is better to provide heat. But in extremely cold climates, you can use a small portable heater and place this near the cage to create a comfortable place for your pet. This set up is also best for warming baby rabbits.

Can you prevent an American Fuzzy Lop from eating his poop?

You can prevent a rabbit from eating poop by removing the droppings right away after these defecate. But you have better things to do than watch your rabbits 24/7. And no matter what, these will still eat their dropping because they know that it still has nutrients in them.

Will it hurt when an American Fuzzy Lop hits you with its legs?

Yes, this can hurt despite the size of an American Fuzzy Lop because this has very sharp claws, especially on its hind feet. This can kick hard with its hind feet and scratch you. The rabbit will only do this when it feels threatened, so you don’t need to worry about pet rabbits.

Can rabbit diseases be transferred to humans?

Some rabbit diseases can only affect rabbits, while some are dangerous to humans as well. If you have a sick rabbit, take it to the vet as soon as possible. Learn how to check for the different signs of illnesses like lack of appetite, diarrhea, constipation, sneezing, poor breathing, and changes in behavior. Consult your vet for any of these signs.

Can American Fuzzy Lops stay outdoors?

A pet American Fuzzy Lop may be allowed to stay outdoors under your watchful eye. You must also rabbit-proof your yard first. Use a portable fence to limit the area where the rabbit can roam free. Bury the poles of the fence so the rabbit won’t dig out the fence and escape. 

Do American Fuzzy Lops have good hearing?

The American Fuzzy Lop has cute and long ears, and these are not just for show. This rabbit has good hearing and, it can hear its predators from far away, and thus it has time to hide and escape the threat.

What do you do with abandoned baby rabbits?

If you are sure that the wild rabbit babies or kits are abandoned in their nests, call animal service. You should never take baby rabbits from the wild to become pets.

How many bunnies can anyone keep as a pet?

You can keep a dozen or more rabbits as a pet as long as you have a large cage or enclosure to keep your pets comfortable and happy. Keeping only one rabbit can make it depressed and sickly because these are social animals. 

Can rabbits see well in the dark?

Yes, rabbits have good vision even at night. This is why some species prefer to forage for food at night. Rabbits such as the American Fuzzy Lop also have a good sense of smell and hearing, which also helps them evade predators.

Can you train your rabbit to use a collar and leash?

Some pet owners are successful in training their pet rabbits to wear a collar and walk it with a leash, but some say that this is not possible with all rabbit breeds.

Will American Fuzzy Lops recognize their owners?

Yes, some rabbit owners say that their pets can recognize them and can tell the hold of their owners versus the way a stranger holds them. 

Can pet rabbits be nice to small children?

Some rabbits are very skittish and will not like being held by children. Some breeds are calm, docile, and friendly and will be okay with young children. 

Can you place the cage of American Fuzzy Lops near other rabbit breeds?

Yes, you can do this because American Fuzzy Lops are very friendly, docile, and calm. Being with other rabbit breeds won’t be a problem at all. 

Will rabbits eat insects?

Rabbits won’t eat insects. This will eat only plant and plant parts, rabbit pellets, fruits, and vegetables. Make sure to provide organic produce to prevent any toxins, chemicals, and pesticides that can harm your pet.

Are all breeds of female rabbits cannibals?

One of the most interesting things about female rabbits is that they tend to eat their young. Experts say that this happens because the female is hungry or thirsty after giving birth. This may also be a way to remove any traces of tissue and blood when a baby rabbit is stillborn. 

How long must you wait to spay or neuter your pet rabbit?

It depends on the vet as to when to spay or neuter a rabbit. Some bucks are neutered as young as 3 months, while some will wait till these are 5 to 6 months to be on the safe side.

Where do rabbits sleep in the wild?

In the wild, rabbits may sleep in burrows called warrens. They dig holes and remain there all day and come out at night to forage. In captivity, rabbits are kept in enclosures that can accommodate a group of rabbits, and this must also be safe and secure from their natural predators.

Written by Here Bunny

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