Scientific Facts
Common Name: | Cinnamon Rabbit |
Scientific Name: | Oryctolagus cuniculus |
Life Span: | 5 to 10 years |
Size: | Medium to Large |
Habitat: | meadows, woods, forests, grasslands, deserts and wetlands |
Country of Origin: | United States of America |
The Cinnamon Rabbit is a kind of beautiful domesticated breed. Their name is derived from their fur’s color itself, which is reddish-brown. They were accidentally created by cross-breeding a New Zealand Buck and Chinchilla doe. And then they joined them with another Checkered Giant doe and a crossed Californian doe then mate them with the crossed-buck. The product of the Checkered Giant doe is still reddish-brown colored and paired again together and produced a moderate brown so therefore, that is where the Cinnamon Rabbit all started.
They can live long for about 8 to 10 years in confinement. Their coat is easy to care for and is short, so they are great as pets because they also enjoy being around with people, and they can be their companion for life. They feel comfortable whenever they are living with people, so keep them in pairs because that’s what makes them live longer, and that made them important.
They also require a well-balanced diet and have a lot of exercises as what the other rabbit breeds needs. The cinnamon rabbits are born eyes are closed, and they have no fur yet. The opening of their eyes happens when they are 7 to 14 days old. They have 28 teeth in total, and unbelievably they never stop growing while they are still alive. Cinnamon rabbits can make 2 to 4 untidiness in every 4 to 6 babies.
Physical Description
The leading feature of the Cinnamon Rabbit is its moist coat with coloration, where it is the utmost significant trait. Their coat is very prominent with rust or crushed cinnamon coloring and constant gray markings diagonally on the back. They have straight ears that are laced with shading from grey to black, and their head is proportionate to their medium length body that has their hips more profound and extensive than their shoulders.
They are well-occupied with flesh and should have smooth bones on their body, head, and parts of the head, such as eyes and ears, and lower body parts such as their legs and feet. Cinnamon Rabbit has a shady underbelly with orange under color all over. The Cinnamon rabbits have a smoky grey complexion on their sides. They also have different reddish-brown spots inside their hind legs. They also appear on their face and feet.
On those mentioned parts, the color is a generally darker shade than the rest of the body, while, on the other hand, around their eyes, there are existing small circles and marks on their nose with a butterfly effect. The common Cinnamon rabbit weighs between 3.9 to 5 kilograms.
Cinnamon Rabbits as Pets
The Cinnamon Rabbit breed is accidentally created, and so they require breeders to help them increase their numbers. These appealing rabbits are interesting but have quite an infrequency; therefore, there are few cinnamon rabbits around the United States of America.
They possess good character; they are amazing in rabbit shows. They have a good character, they make amazing shows and are good as pets. As an owner of these cinnamon rabbits, provide them a room where they can move and spend their energy. Do not let them stay outside without any proper living quarters because they might be in danger of predators.
They are suggested to the elderly as a first-time owner and not for kids or smaller children because they are large rabbits, and the children may not know how to handle them without fear and so kids may panic and will result in both might have injuries. Rabbits bite and scratch sometimes, and the minors might not know what to do and might drop the rabbit.
Native Region or Natural Habitat
Cinnamon rabbits are commonly found in the United States of America during 1962, and that is when their creation happened. As time goes by, these rabbits are sent to a convention in the American Breeders Associations Convention Calgary, which is in Canada. And the next convention for the rabbits is in New york. Wherein they got a virus, and it spread among them and killed some of the Cinnamon Rabbits.
The 3rd convention for them happens to be in Mexico where they live for a trailer, and a storm came and made them evacuated to another trailer. To their last settlement, which is in Tacoma in Washington, they finally are officially recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association Standards. Yet they are still unusual, and in fact, they are third rarest breed in America.
Behavior or Temperament
If you want to see your child grew up with taking a whole responsibility of becoming a pet owner and care them, the best way to have is the Cinnamon Rabbit, whereas, they have this nature of tranquility and passively attitude and if you want them to grow in your hand, go for a small bunny rather than to large bunny when you are starting to pet them. They are comparatively easy to sustain rather than the other pets, and to have them live longer, healthy life for Cinnamon Rabbits should be taken care of appropriately.
Among the other pet bunnies, these Cinnamon Rabbits can play along well with the other breed and consider them as a company. These rabbits tend to have live longer when they are happy with everyone and everything around them, so has them live with a companion. However, a Cinnamon Rabbit out of 4 to 6 babies, they can make 2 to 4 untidiness, so have your bunny well sterilized so you won’t have been cautious of their breeding.
Cinnamon Rabbits as what rabbits are known for, they are fond of jumping and running. They can reach up to 30 to 40 miles per hour speed. That is why it’s important and is recommended to all rabbit pet owners to have enclosed a backyard so that your rabbit can wander around freely. On the other hand, after they get tired of bouncing around and roaming around the backyard, they will now enjoy having quality time with their owners or the other human companion. It is also a benefit for every rabbit to have lots of toys to choose from, where they can play it with their mouth and have their teeth sink with it. And for being outgoing and cool personality, there usually is no problem having them as a pet or even being picked up by a stranger who had a chance to get a cinnamon rabbit because of having an attractive color and is pleasing to the eyes.
Speech and Sounds
Cinnamon rabbits usually honk when their owner is rubbing their back; it comes from different sounds but still honking. They always tend to be like that because it happens when they are happy or excited. They do tooth clicking when they are comfortable or relaxed, but it is different from tooth grounding where the rabbits are stressed or mad or just uncomfortable, and it is harder than tooth clicking.
Heard about a rabbit squeaking when they are sick, but it is frequent, and most of the rabbit owners haven’t said that they hear their pet squeak. They do screaming also when they feel extreme pain like they feel they are about to die or is really about to die.
If you have a rabbit, at least have a rabbit hutch. A cage-like structure and is expansive that can accommodate a rabbit when it sleeps. The size of hutch should be 4 times the rabbit’s length and don’t forget that the rabbit will grow especially when you first have them a newborn rabbits, therefore, consider to provide a spacious room so that even they grow they would still have space to run and stretch themselves as well and have a place to hide. Remember that a bunny should maintain their fit and healthy body with the help of exercise even inside their hutch.
Rabbits that have a deficiency in exercise may have health problems. You also need to have a water container where they can easily drink their water so that they won’t get dehydrated, a feeder, and lots of toys so your rabbit won’t get bored. And so, choose or make a hutch that is huge that can give and appropriate to have those and the milder they feel inside it. Generally, if a rabbit feels satisfied in their homes, they are likely to love happy.
It’s up to your choice of either the rabbit hutch is indoor or outdoor. But normally, a rabbit is safer indoors, and they are more comfortable than outdoors because, inside the house, the climate is controlled. You can also have a lot of time to bond with your rabbit when they are indoors, especially when it is placed in the living room where family members are all gathered in. And it benefits them to be socially comfortable with people because they are exposed to them regularly.
When it comes to letting your rabbits enjoying the ambiance outside ow the fresh air and sunshine, you can run with them around your enclosed backyard as often as you want while securing them at the same time from predators. Either an indoor or outdoor rabbit hutch, consider to give them second level or more because it can offer your rabbit love different exercises like climbing and jump from above and to keep them more active and lessen their boredom.
A good diet for rabbits must include a good quality pellet, fresh grass, especially oat hay or timothy, water, and fresh veggies. Anything aside from that is a treat for a rabbit and should be certain in giving limited quantities.
A good pellet should also be fresh and must be high in fiber with its minimum per serving is 18%. The food may also be spoiled when it is over a 6 weeks wort of time fed to the rabbits. The older a rabbit can get, the lesser their pellet diet should be reduced, so make sure you supply them their hays and keep available for 24 hours. A younger rabbit, on the other hand, should be given Alfalfa pellets, and the older ones are preferred to timothy pellets.
Look for the selection of different veggies when you go to a grocery to buy them. A green leafy vegetable is recommended, and you should not ever choose rhubarb and beans. While hay, on the other hand, is essential for a rabbit’s health because it provides the fiber that reduces the harm of hairballs and any other blockages.
You can give baby rabbits their mother’s bowls of milk and pellets. And when they reach their 7 months, you can give them unlimited hays. And when they are a year old rabbit, you introduce to them eating a vegetable slowly until they can tolerate to eat them regularly and give those fruits daily but not more than 2 tablespoons or 2 ounces per 6 pounds.
It is already time to lessen the inclusion of their pelleted diet. And when the rabbit is an adult, it is important to at least give them a hay or grass diet with half a cup of pellets per 6 pounds. A senior rabbit needs unlimited pellet diets to at least maintain their weight, and elder rabbits are recommended for a yearly blood check-up.
How to Address Your Cinnamon Rabbit’s Screaming
Rabbit’s scream come from different from long scream to sharp cry just like humans as if there’s no other way of getting help. They are not the most vocal pets, so their scream shows alarm to the owners. New owners who first hear them scream might interpret it as their pet is startling or upsetting. If you hear them scream, all you have to do is look for them, understand that they can also feel pain, and they are calling out for help because they are afraid of their lives.
Stay close to your rabbit, stroke them gently, calming, and whispering to them quietly is the best way to give them comfort that they need most in situations like that. And at the same time, look, observe, and check what is wrong with them or what causes the particular wound or illness, and as soon as your pet calms down, go immediately to a veterinarian.
Here is how to address if your rabbit is screaming:
When they are being picked up
They mostly scream when they are not properly picked up, so do not let 12 years and younger carry your pets because it can cause injury to your rabbit. They are emotionally and physically sensitive, so keep them away from loud noise and make sure you have the guidance when a child is trying to interact with your rabbit.
Severe Injury or Pain
They scream if they are in unbearable pain or has an injury. Other symptoms may go with following: Teeth grinding where they grind they’re up and down teeth; Curved posture where their back is a bent circle; Staying in on place for a long period where they can feel the numbness of their body parts; Shaking or trembling where they can feel a breeze. One thing to do when they are feeling pain is to go to a vet and ask for help.
Extreme Fear
Rabbits can get terrified in many things, and the most apparent reason is predators. They feel fear even with just the noise, smell, or sight of their prospective predator. When they are not in custody, rabbits are their only choice to eat, and they are aware of that. So just by the sense of their predator’s presence, they are easily frightened and become so wary. Fear keeps the rabbits alive, but due to a thrilling situation, it could be to cause the rabbit to die. Keep them away from their predators to avoid them screaming.
Extreme Anger
They scream in a high-pitched and nasty sound when they feel the anger the same as how a child throws a tantrum. Maybe you keep on doing what upsets them so you, as the owner, should be cautious about whatever you are doing to stop your pet scream.
When They Are Going to Die
They are prone to be the food of any kind of animal. They scream out of help because, in some situations, even your pet dog could scare you rabbit’s heart attack because of shock and leads to death. Even other animals that have the resemblance of a dog can scare them, such as cats, a wolf, and coyote can fear for their life. So it is best to not leave them alone around your other pets. Consider giving them a place where other pets cannot go with.
During a Seizure
Seizures may not be common to rabbits, but it is very painful. It can occur from Viral infections, mechanical causes, toxicity, medication, and systematic causes. Toxicity’s cause is of ingesting gardening products like washing powder, cleaning detergents, and pesticides. Therefore, make sure to keep those gardening products away from your garden if you let your rabbits hop and play to that place.
Teaching your Cinnamon Rabbit to Talk

Rabbits have their way to express their language. Rabbits can talk to each other and humans; they use other variations. They use body language and just a few vocalizations. You need a lot of patience when you have a rabbit as a pet when it comes to how they talk. But it gives greater joy when you learn and understand their unique way of communicating. The following are what they so-called the rabbit-talk:
Rabbit’s ears serve as their radar. They use it to modify what is going around them. You can easily figure out when something caught their attention or something is going on, and it is not worth their attention or just simply let their radar rest. Their one is in front and one at the back or two ears forwards or backward.
Sounds from human behavior sometimes threaten rabbits, or they show some disapproval if people wanted to hold and hand them. What they want to say when they grunt is back off or leave them alone.
Tooth Clicking
It specifies they are contented, or you gave them pleasure. Tooth clicking for parrots means they are happy. It is comparable to a cat’s hum when they are relaxed from being gently stroked at their back and when they are comfortable with their environment.
Tooth Grinding
Tooth grinding, on the other hand, means that they are stressed or they are not comfortable. Typically when they are seated and stooped at the corner of their cage, and they are tooth grinding, that means that they are sick, and you need to go and see a veterinarian instantly.
Their honking is habitually going along with their circling. Honking sounds soft and often quiet sound.
They do circling as another way to get their human companion’s attention.
This means it is time to be clean. Other rabbits mount and means to show that don’t forget them because they are the dominant rabbits.
Male rabbits that are not sanitized will mark their territory by spraying, including you as their owner as well as the other pets and everyone around them. So it is important to clean them as they need. Female rabbits also do spraying.
Territory Droppings
They do this in a scattered manner to show that that is the territory ad that only belongs to them. And often happens when they enter a new environment, and if another rabbit is living there, it will result in daily trouble.
It is their way of showing this, and that is theirs and that they have been there when they rub their chin to it.
Rabbit whack to get attention from humans and for them to know that they disapprove of something or it is a warning, and they are anxious.
Nose nudging
This means to show them extra care or excuse, and they will pass the passage.
It means that they enjoy a delightful life; they are relaxed and comfortable.
When a rabbit licks you, they love and trust you.
It shows a finite trepidation, and they are experiencing so much pain.

Lesson 1
First, when you pick them up and to teach them by spinning them in a circle. You can trick them by using a treat and put it in their nose to bait them, and then you now turn around, making a circular movement. And do it without the smell of a treat and see if they still go with you with just moving your hand in a circular motion. If you think they have learned what have you train them, you can now test their verbal skills.
Lesson 2
You started from giving a follow with treat kind of training, now combine it with verbal and gestures. With your strong voice, call them with their name and ask to come with a hand gesture. And if they do it properly, give them verbal praise.
Lesson 3
If they can spin in circles and do come to you when you call out their names, it is time to teach them multiple tricks. Like Spin Around, and they will spin in front of you. Another is to spin around you, and they will go spin around you. You teach them also do Figure 8 by making a number 8 spin. A simple Walk, Come To Me, and Up Here can be included in your training.
Availability: Where to Get One
You can go to any rabbit pet stores, or you can ask at the Cinnamon Rabbit Breeders Association to ask where to buy a Cinnamon Rabbit breed. You can also visit online sites if they have a cinnamon rabbit breed.
How to Care
Rabbits are one of a kind. And for them to live a happy, healthy, and long, provide them their specific needs. Here are some steps on how to take care of a pet rabbit:
Set up Safe Indoor Housing for Rabbits
They can be placed in a puppy pen or a large cage of the rabbit. Consider that when they are under your care, give them a great size to live where they can hop and play around inside it. You can put their cage everywhere inside your house, especially in your living room. Avoid letting them stay outdoors to be safe from predators. Give them also a time to run outside and feel the sunshine and fresh air.
They need space to rub inside your house. So to avoid them ruining your business and create a safe area for them, you need to cover all your wirings with flex tubing. You also have to restrict them in some areas like in your bedroom because they might chew the sides of your bed and bookshelves. They will chew everything they can reach, so lift them at about 3 to 4 feet.
Provide your Rabbit Appropriate Food
Their diet includes hay, and it should be given to them daily or keep them with a hay every 24 hours. But baby rabbits need pellets. Supplement them with fresh veggies and fiber-rich pellets and water every day.
Set Up a Litter Box
It is natural for the animals to poop and pee, and it is for you to give them an area. Provide a box where they can poop and pee and place it on the other side of their cage. Put a sheet of a recycled newspaper at the bottom of the box then put hay above it.
Groom Your Rabbit
They are naturally neat animals, and they wash-down themselves regularly. But you should still give your time to groom them by brushing your rabbit to take out all their excess fur to avoid them swallow it because it can lead to digestive issues.
Bring Your Rabbit to Vet
It is a rabbit’s nature to hide that they are sick. You must keep an eye to them and guarantee what your pet is eating and drinking, observe also if they poop and pee regularly. If not, you should go to a vet straight away. And have your pet checked up routinely to make sure they have good health.
Understand your Rabbit’s Behavior
Rabbits are far different from cats and dogs. You need to understand this, and that’s of your pet rabbits.
Keeping your Rabbit Safe, Happy and Healthy
To perfectly care your rabbit, ensure them a hutch that they can move and hop freely. It is better to let them stay inside your house. Maintain their well-balanced diet to make them healthy and avoid them being sick. A style of a house and a proper diet are already mentioned above.
Encourage to give them lots of exercises by running and hoppy around your backyard and by teaching them to do a lot of tricks inside and out of their cage to prevent rabbits from being bored and lower their risk to stress. Because rabbits, when not getting exercise, can put in a risk to develop GI Statis where the rabbit’s digestive system will slow down or can stop completely. 15 minutes in a morning playtime can do to loosen up themselves.
You should also check wisely signs if any illnesses or injuries because rabbits are good at hiding their pain, so observe if there are some changes in their behavior. It is also important to take care of their hygiene and be aware of the weather. When it comes to training your rabbit, you should consider the weather changes when you plan to take them out because a sudden change of weather can affect the health condition of your bunny. Also, keep them away from any harm, especially from their predators. Get your rabbit annually checked-up to and maintain their wellness, and in addition to that is to see any probable signs of disease.
What A Veterinarian Looks for in a Healthy Rabbit
- Have alert expression
- Have a clean and dry nose
- Have bright eyes and clean ears
- Have good teeth
- Have a healthy fur and fabulous feet
- Have a good appetite and healthy weight
- Have a normal droppings
Common Disorders of Rabbits
Rabbits do not have specific diseases. Yet, have those vaccinated myxomatosis and rabbit hemorrhagic disease. Also, have them physically monitored for their overgrown teeth, and if there are some mites, worms, ticks, and fleas on their fur and if there are further symptoms.
However, signs of illness to be aware of are the following:
- Not eating
- Not Pooping
- Lethargic
- Fever
- Runny nose and eyes
Do rabbits love you?
Rabbits love interacting with humans; they also require to spend time with them.
Do rabbits cry?
Yes, they cry. But in a different way, you lease expect.
How big do cinnamon rabbits get?
They can weigh as heavy as 4 to 5 kilograms for a medium to large body type.