
Deilenaar Rabbit Care Sheet

Deilenaar Rabbit Care Sheet

Scientific Facts

Common Name:Deilenaar Rabbit
Scientific Name:Oryctolagus cuniculus
Life Span:Up to 9 years
Weight:5 to 7 pounds
Body Shape:Compact
Country of Origin:Netherlands

Fast Facts

Best Suited For: Experienced rabbit owners

Temperament: Sociable, friendly, affectionate, and lively

Comparable Breeds:  Flemish Giant Rabbit and Belgian Hare

Physical Description

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At first glance, the first thing you will notice is the coloring of this rabbit. Deilenaar rabbits have a red agouti color with some mackerel and ticking of shades of black. Their base color is a slate blue, that is evenly divided, with an intermediate color of rusty brown.

The fur color of the Deilenaar rabbits are deep and rich, and its medium-length feels dense and silky to the touch. Its colored coating extends to its entire body, except for their dark legs and their underside. The chest of the Deilenaar rabbits has an even darker coloring, and its belly has a creamy color with some red stripes at the groin.

There will also be a tan color inside the ears of these Deilenaar rabbits, along with their jawline and their muzzle. Their ears will also be edged with black color. Their forelegs will also have some red agouti colors, but they will not have mackerel because their fur is shorter.

These Deilenaar rabbits are medium in size, and their body is compact, meaty, and muscular. Some experts describe this as thickset and robust. The heads of these Deilenaar rabbits will be carried low, and the neck will be barely visible, but this feature is more developed in males compared to females. Their ears are also strong and erect, at about 11 cm long.


Deilenaar rabbits have a calm and even behavior, which makes them very ideal to have as a pet. These animals are known to be lively, friendly, and affectionate. They are also quite intelligent, which means the owners can teach them to use a litter tray. These Deilenaar rabbits can also be provided with pet toys like rattles and bells, to keep them occupied.

Owners should also put into consideration the good behavior of these rabbits and provide them with space to roam freely and exercise. But whenever you do so, you should make sure that the house is rabbit-proof, so that both your pet and your belongings will remain safe. In fact, this Deilenaar rabbit breed might not be the best choice for those who are inexperienced in keeping and handling rabbits.

Common Health Problems

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Overall, the Deilenaar rabbits is a healthy and strong breed, especially since it is a hybrid breed. But, of course, these pets are at risk of other diseases. For instance, their teeth will keep on growing throughout their life and might keep on growing that can lead to loss of appetite, weight loss, drooling, and matted fur on the face. To prevent this, the rabbits must have their teeth regularly inspected and make sure that their diet is fit for better oral health. Your rabbit’s diet must also be based on hay to help them grind their teeth and provide them with additional nutrients.

Another major problem of Deilenaar rabbits is hairballs and snuffles. Snuffles come from a bacterial infection in the respiratory system, and it shows as sniffling, sneezing, and discharge from the eyes. This problem can be addressed with antibiotics. For hairballs, on the other hand, this is exhibited similarly to cats, except for one thing: rabbits cannot produce vomit. In this case, the hair that they swallow when they lick themselves lodges in their intestines, which can be fatal to them.

Environment and Housing

For keeping a Deilenaar rabbit indoors, what you have to prepare is a rabbit cage or crate, similar to an indoor dog cage in a secure area of your house. Usually, the cage must have a minimum of 3 square feet of floor space, so the Deilenaar rabbits can rest comfortably.

Fun Facts about the Deilenaar Rabbit

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  1. The Deilenaar rabbit has first developed Deli, which is a Dutch town in the 1930s.
  2. Animal experts believe that the Deilenaar rabbits are made from the combination of the Chinchinilla Rabbit, the New Zealand Red Rabbit, and the Belgian Hare.
  3. The lovely color of the Deilenaar rabbits is said to come from the genes of the Belgian Hare.
  4. According to some other experts, the Deilenaar rabbits come from the mix of the Tan Rabbit and the Flemish Giant Rabbit.
  5. This breed is recognized by the British Rabbit Council, but it is not recognized by the American Rabbit Breeders Association.

Where Can You Get a Pet Deilenaar Rabbit?

Deilenaar Rabbits can be bought from specialty pet stores and rabbit breeders. If you can, you can also get them from rescue centers and private animal adoption agencies.

How to Care for a Pet Deilenaar Rabbit

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Before you get a Deilenaar rabbit, you should consider a few things. These rabbits require a person’s attention and love. They are playful, curious, and social, so they will feel very sad if they receive very little interaction. They need ample space to exercise and explore, so you should make sure that you will be able to provide them with that. You should also remember that Deilenaar rabbits are a long-term commitment, so make sure that you will be able to provide them with a happy and healthy life. They require occasional visits to the veterinarian, as well.

Frequently Asked Questions

How big is a Deilenaar rabbit?

The Deilenaar rabbit is medium in size, and they weigh about 5 pounds to 7 pounds on average.

Do Deilenaar rabbits make good pets?

Deilenaar rabbits are great pets for experienced rabbit owners that can manage their care requirements as well, but these are rewarding because these rabbits are very friendly.

How were the Deilenaar rabbits created?

There are two main theories for the Deilenaar rabbit. First: New Zealand Red Rabbit, Belgian Hare, and Chinchinilla Rabbits, and second: Flemish Giant Rabbit and Tan Rabbit.

Written by Here Bunny

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