Scientific Facts
Common Name | Satin Angora |
Life Span | 7-12 years |
Size | Medium-sized |
Country of Origin | Canada |

Physical Description
Satin Angora rabbits exhibit a pecuniary body type. Their sides have a minimal taper that runs from the hindquarters to their shoulders. Their ears are comparably austere and at times, be a bit feathered. Their oval head exhibits a wide forehead and a little cramped muzzle. Frequently, these creatures are treated as fiber animals, which implies that they are bred to shred their coat – a formation that does not bring any unpleasantness. To collect their coat, breeders often shave the rabbit or prune its bulky coat with the use of stinging scissors, which is an action that does not cause pain to the rabbit – similar to the hair of humans, the coat will always grow back.
The fur of Satin Angora is their bliss. They have softer, finer, and silkier wool compared to other kinds of Angora rabbits. The analysis of their fur appears to be similar to satin is because of the regressive gene that creates the casing surrounding the pigment in every hair to be luminous instead of being opaque, just like the many furs. This provides their coat a unique gloss and glaze. This gene further triggers the diameter of every hair strand to be smaller in size compared to normal wool. The common characteristic of Satin Angora rabbits is the desolated wool quality.
Satin Angora rabbits can exhibit brown, grey, tan, or white fur, or a consolidation of these shades. Seniors weigh around 6 to 9 pounds. Satin Angora rabbits possess the finest kind of wool among other angora breeds; however, they generate the least. Their color is vivid and rich compared to other angora rabbits.
The satin element is established on a basic mutation and is imparted passively. It alters the hair structure. The hair shaft is luminous and thinner; the pigments of the color are within the hair. The shaft emulates the light, and the wool turns shiny and shimmering. The hair diameter is even more minimal compared to the normal angora wool, and it appears and senses like silk.
Satin Angora rabbits have a lifespan of 7 to 12 years, provided that they get the best kind of care. Due to various factors, these creatures may have a shorter life. Handlers are challenged to raise these pets with the utmost care and concern.
Eating Habits
Satin Angora rabbits are known to be herbivores. They only feed on plant-based diets. They are practical feeders and means that they can also eat tree bark, roots, seeds, buds, and fruits.
Sleeping Habits
Satin Angora rabbits like to sleep on places that are far from noise. They tend to get better sleep with the surrounding is dark. They do not like being interrupted by their sleep. You should know that these creatures follow a certain sleeping pattern. If you are planning to plays with your pet, make sure that you schedule it on its active hours for you to make sure that you do not create agitation in your pet.
Development and Reproduction
Satin Angora rabbits are the output of cross-breeding between a French Angora and Satin rabbit. A female Satin Angora rabbit litters 7 to 8 does separately. Nevertheless, it is essential to know that the quantity of does during the last period of lactation is between 3 to 4 does.

How to Breed
Determining the Sexes
To determine the sexes of Satin Angora rabbits, simply toss the rabbit over and push down on every side of the genital section. If you notice a circle with a hole in the middle of the tip, the Satin Angora rabbit is a male. However, if you notice an edged with a crevice, the rabbit is said to be a female.
Courtship and Mating
Before the conception of the litters, adult Satin Angora rabbits experience an impressive ritual of courtship and mating to catch attention to choose a partner. The doe and buck will do a mating dance where you will notice the doe being chased by the buck until the first stops and faces the buck and cuffs the male with the use of her front paws. This continues until one of them jumps through the air. The second follows in the air, thus finishing the ritual and indicating that mating can then be done.
Common Health Problems
Satin Angora rabbits are generally healthy creatures. However, if these animals are not regularly maintained with brushing, there is a tendency that they develop some illnesses. The most common health problem in Satin Angora rabbits is wool block. Knowing that these creatures can groom themselves just like the cats, they tend to absorb sloppy fur which their tongues take up. Nevertheless, cats throw away these sloppy furs by eliminating hairballs, and unluckily, Satin Angora rabbits cannot do just the same. Angoras are specifically vulnerable to this because of their thick fur. Once their bellies are fully occupied with their fur, they feel extremely full that they do refuse to eat, and if this condition is left unmanaged, this shall lead them to death because of scarcity.
Other health problems are coccidiosis, ear mites, snuffles, rabbit hemorrhagic disease, myxomatosis, fly strike, and enteritis.
Preventing Illnesses
The best way to prevent illnesses in Satin Angora rabbits is to give them the best kind of diet. The enclosure must be kept cleaned and should be in a suitable size. Fur should be regularly brushed. Be cautious about the behavior of your rabbit. Notice whether your pet is drinking and eating enough because if they do not, it can be an indication of an illness. Make sure to secure a woodblock close to the cage of the rabbit since they need to bite something to prevent their teeth from overgrowing. Regularly inspect the teeth of your pet. You should know that the teeth of Satin Angora rabbits will never cut off their growth; thus, they need to chew wear them out. Do not attempt trimming the teeth of your rabbit on your own. There is a possibility that the teeth of your pet will crack, which may proceed to the swelling or other severe dental concerns of your pet.
Preventing your Satin Angora rabbit from getting sick can also be achieved if you regularly visit a veterinarian for a consultation. You might find it necessary to bring your pet to a veterinarian at least once a year, and any time, you may suspect it to be sick. If you see any indications that your Satin Angora is sick, then it would be best if you immediately deliver it to a veterinarian. You may also consider getting your pet neutered or spayed. If you do not have any intention of breeding your pet, then it is recommended that you neuter or spay a rabbit that is around 6 months old. Neutering and spaying your Satin Angora rabbit can inhibit undesired pregnancies, and it also provides certain health benefits. Not neutering or spaying your pet may direct to hormonal behaviors, such as urine spraying and fighting. Unsprayed female Satin Angora may also develop a higher exposure of acquiring uterine cancer.
These rabbits are cultivated for their squishy fur, and a lot of people cut off the fur and utilize it to create fabric. Nevertheless, you do not have to shave your pet. You can simply brush your rabbit at least once a day to maintain soft and healthy fur.
Satin Angora rabbits are gentle creatures, and they have no issue being handled. They are permissive to grooming and stroking. Although Satin Angora is mostly maximized for its marketable coat, it is not unusual to have these creatures as house pets. These rabbits are affectionate and sociable. They enjoy to curl up with people and revel with their toys. They are playful and energetic, with plenty of personalities.
If you are raising an indoor Satin Angora, you will notice their behavior to be similar to a well-bred cat. They will take a nap in any corner and shall greet their handlers on the door of their cage to be caressed. Further, these animals are known to be cute clowns.

Because Satin Angora rabbits have plenty of wool, they flourish well in cooler temperatures, although outdoor enclosures should be fine too provided that there is well ventilation. For the outdoor enclosure, you can have plastic or wood on three corners to inhibit cold break out of the wind.
Satin Angora rabbits require cages with plenty of room to play and skitter. Owners can identify an appropriate cage dimension by assessing the size and weight of the rabbit. The cage should be 12 square feet in minimum. If you choose a cage that has a bottom of the wire, then you will have to wrap it with an object that can protect the feet of the rabbit. A huge piece of cardboard or a huge plastic mat can work. A huge wire cage that wards the rabbit off their soiled bedding must be enough to make the rabbit happy.
As much as possible, do not choose a cage that has a wire bottom because the wire may harm the feet of the Satin Angora rabbits. Try to look for a cage that possesses a bottom with solid metal. Put cardboard boxes inside the cage. These creatures enjoy hiding in cardboard boxes, gnaw on them, and shovel them around. Also, putting a tray underneath the cage is recommended to facilitate in catching droppings and urine. Take out any droppings and check the hutches every day and replace the bedding after one week.
Secure some chew materials. Try providing your pet some apple branches, cotton towels, alfalfa cubes, cardboard, and untreated pine boards. Furthermore, incorporate a litter box inside the cage.
Considering their bulky and solid fur, Satin Angora rabbits commonly do well despite cold weather or temperature. Should you decide to keep your Satin Angora outdoor, make sure to put wooden or plastic walls on three edges of the enclosure to let the draft out. Do not expose your Satin Angora outdoor if the temperature is extremely hot, particularly if its enclosure does not secure a definite mean to keep your pet ventilated.
Toys and Exercise
Satin Angora rabbits need toys to help them stimulate their mental health. Also, these rabbits would find it beneficial if they will be allowed to do outdoor activities to exercise and stretch their muscles. They enjoy playing pine cone, pieces of softwood, and balls.
Their diet must be composed of 4 to 8 ounces of pellets daily, relying on the age and weight of the rabbit, and also a small quantity of hay for their everyday consumption of fiber. To assist these rabbits with their digestion, handlers may decide to include a tablespoon of sunflower seeds in their pellets. Clean and fresh water is also important for Satin Angora rabbits. The water should be replenished once a day.
Offer your pet a lot of timothy hay. These creatures love to feed on hay, hence see to it that they have plenty of it to chew on. Hay offers essential nutrients that are necessary to secure the health of the rabbit.
Also, offer them dark and leafy greens. Dark leafy greens can provide nutrients, and they also make an ideal treat to your rabbit. Satin Angora rabbits love turnip greens, cilantro, mustard greens, collard greens, and kale. You should treat your pet now and then. These creatures are inclined to chewing on crunchy foods like seeds, fruits, and vegetables. Providing your pet a rabbit every once in a while can make it happy and healthy. Some great treats are hulled sunflower seeds, carrots, and apples.
Also, you should only feed your Satin Angora in small quantities. Certain foods can be difficult for the rabbit to digest, leading it to diarrhea or bloat.
How to Care for Satin Angora
Satin Angora rabbits are popular for their glossy and silky fur, which is commonly used for clothing. Relying on the thickness and length of the fur of the Satin Angora, brushing them using a slicker brush at least once or twice a week would be enough to maintain it free from the mat. See to it that you have an available bag nearby to collect off the bundle of fur and continue brushing – there is a chance that you will have to repeatedly do it a few times.
It is recommended that you keep your Satin Angora rabbit indoor. Rabbits that are left outdoors are more inclined to premature death due to different factors. Rabbits are sensitive to hypothermia, overheating, loneliness, and invasion of predators. You can protect your pet from these harms by keeping it indoors. You should know that this creature may develop heart attacks due to fear if they sense a predator. Outdoor Satin Angoras may become intrusive or anxious, and this shall make your Satin Angora a poor pet rabbit.
You must maintain a healthy relationship with your rabbit. Play with your rabbit every day. Satin Angora rabbits require exercise to keep themselves healthy. Allow your rabbit to get an exercise for at least 2 hours a day by allowing it to spend some moment outside its cage. See to it that you supervise your pet to ensure that it will not try to injure itself. You should also educate your kids on how to gently handle your pet.
When you let your rabbit outdoor for its playtime and outdoor activities make sure that there is someone assigned to watch your pet, especially if there are young kids involved. Remember that angora rabbits demand much more attention and care compared to the regular breeds. These creatures have an impressive lifespan, thus a huge commitment to the owners.
Availability – Where to Get One?
There are plenty of places where you can potentially get a Satin Angora rabbit. You may check online and rabbitries. You may also look from animal rescue centers as well as rabbit breeders. However, when looking for a quality Satin Angora rabbit, you must become cautious about your choices. Even though there are plenty of choices when it comes to stores and institutions that offer Satin Angora rabbits, you cannot be sure unless you do your research and investigation that these stores sell quality and healthy rabbits. As someone excited to raise a Satin Angora rabbit, you cannot afford to buy a pet that has health issues as it will only cause you both financial and emotional trouble.
If you decide on where to get your pet, make sure that you have done your part in investigating about this store. You may also ask for some tips and advice from this store on how to effectively raise your Satin Angora rabbit.
What should I check when buying a Satin Angora rabbit?
You may start by checking the inner part of the ears to see any indication of infection or mites. Inspect the eyes if they are bright and clear from discharges. Inspect the paws and nose to ensure that they are not wet. Check the surrounding part of the genitals and anus to make sure that they are dry and clean. Feel around the rabbit and sense any indication of bumps, lumps, and manifestation of pain. Inspect the fur to see any occurrence of fleas, ticks, and mites.
How can I do bonding with my new Satin Angora rabbit?
The most effective way to connect with your new pet is to avoid being compelling and pushy. Get on the level of your rabbit by lying down or sitting and disregarding your pet. Allow your new pet to come over you whenever it feels like doing so. After a little while, you may gradually deliver your hand to your rabbit. Allow your rabbit to snuff your hand. You may then gradually deliver your hand up to the head of the rabbit. Your pet would love to be caressed on their nose, below their cheeks and chin, and at the back of its neck.
I am certain that we had a warm relationship with my Satin Angora rabbit when it was still a baby; however, it seems that my pet now is distant and does not appreciate my presence anymore. Why?
Your pet will also experience an adolescent period wherein it commonly becomes spoiled. During this period, you may observe your pet to behave like it does not like you; however, in reality, your pet still adores you. You just have to endure this kind of behavior until your pet is neutered or spayed.
Is it really important to provide my Satin Angora rabbit a toy?
Toys are important to your Satin Angora rabbit because they stimulate the mentality of your pet. Rabbits that are given with toys to interact with are less likely to ruin furniture.
Do Satin Angora rabbits require bathing?
Satin Angora rabbits do not require bathing. You should know that a bath may deliver a shock to the rabbit, and it may become fearful that it may develop a heart attack and eventually die. If your rabbit is dirty, clean the dirty surface through warm water. Bear in mind that you cannot put your Satin Angora rabbit in the water. Never water its ears and head unless it is extremely important.
Why is it necessary to neuter or spay my Satin Angora rabbit?
Neutering or spaying your Satin Angora rabbit may eliminate the risk of reproductive cancer. Records show that many female rabbits die due to reproductive cancer before they even get 5 years old. Further, neutering or spaying your rabbit may also make it less aggressive and calmer.
Is there an ideal age for neutering or spaying my rabbit?
Male Satin Angora rabbits must be neutered immediately when their testicles slip. Females, on the other hand, maybe spayed as soon as they age 6 months. After exceeding the age of 6 years, the process of surgery may become dangerous; hence, rabbits aging over 6 years should not be neutered or spayed.