Usually, the rabbit’s green paws are common because of the hay. However, there are also times that such green paws might be because of the rabbit’s urine stains. There are some rabbits that sit in their boxes after they urinate, it is common to conduct that usually done by domestic rabbits. This is another cause of the rabbit’s paws becoming green. The essential way to take away such stains on rabbits is to rub powder of cornflour into its affected fur and paws.
But if the fur is fully soaked by the rabbit’s urine and they smell like ammonia, your rabbit needs to take a bath. This can be done by a vet or even at home. Those rabbits that have a slight color yellow feet commonly do need to be washed. As an alternative, you should teach them a good cleaning routine.
The following are some things to consider on how to remove urine stains on rabbits.
- When the fur of the rabbits turns into yellow color, as a pet owner, the first thing that pops out in your mind is to bathe them. But you may also think if bathing the rabbit is the right thing to do? Well, we all know that a healthy rabbit might not be bathed because they have the ability to clean themselves.
- Almost all of the rabbits will definitely get frightened once they are plunged in the water. Your rabbits may risk having an injury that most outweighs the importance of cleaning the rabbit’s fur.
- Also, bathing your pet rabbit is required in some set of situations, such as if your pet rabbit is immobile that it cannot be able to move over to clean and groom itself.
- In addition, if your pet has developed a urine scalding such as sore and the fur becomes smelly inside the legs of the rabbit may definitely be required to have a wet bath to avoid the flystrike that can possibly happen.
But if the stain is only minimal like there is no damp or even sore fur, a wet bath is not needed to do. In this situation, you can eventually leave the stain, or you gave a rabbit a gentle and dry bath. Fur and paws that have lightly stained can easily be treated by a dry bath. Most rabbits can indulge in a dry bath. However, it is essential to do this with the patient and gentle.

Here are some guidelines on how to clean your rabbit with a dry bath.
- You may put your pet rabbit into a comfortable position. Accessing the feet and placing the underside with a belly up position is the easiest position you can do. When placing a rabbit in a belly-up posture, just make sure that you place a soft padded exterior that supports its back and neck. Do not even force the rabbit to remain in such a position if it tries to escape.
- You may use a baby care product such as corn starch powder and apply such powder to the affected urine-stained area. Avoid using usual talcum powder or such powder that has botanicals added, and this may irritate your pet rabbit.
- If needed, you may just apply the powder into your pet’s feet and inside hind legs, which are affected by stain. The powder that you can use can coat into the rabbit’s fur, and it helps to lift the urine.
- You may comb the fur using a flea comb, but be careful about doing these cause you may pull too hard and hurt your pet rabbit.
- You may also stroke your pet’s fur until the powder is fully removed. This may develop a powdered fall, and you may ask someone to vacuum such debris using a hand vacuum, so it does not annoy your rabbit. The powder that you apply may automatically fall off easily. Just make sure that it all falls and goes before you place your pet back in its cage.
Aside from a dry bath, you may also clean your rabbit’s paws and fur using a wet bath. Especially if the rabbit has urine blistering that located on its legs inside or the fur and paws is quite moist and smelly, then your pet rabbit is very likely required to do a wet bath.

The following are some methods to wet bath our pet rabbit.
- The first thing you may try is to wash your pet rabbit into a sink; this is considered as the easiest option to do.
- Just filling the sink with a couple of inches of slightly warm water not more than 30 degrees Celsius is advisable.
- You can now mix a rabbit shampoo with just a teaspoon size.
- It is essential to have another person to grab the rabbit and levitate the rabbit gently over the water so that it takes a few centimeters above the sink.
- Tenderly rub the water with a shampoo that blends into the rabbit’s legs and produces a lather in your rabbit’s fur.
- If your pet can easily withstand it, then you can now submerge its legs into the water while the other person still holds it. Other rabbits may not allow this and eventually are required to be held above the water.
- Try to bath your pet quickly but completely.
- Once you are all done with the lather, you may now use at least a jug of water to rinse the shampoo bubbles.
- After rinsing the rabbit, you can now towel dry your pet to avoid it from getting cold.
- Lastly, you need to be gentle when drying your pet. you may use a microfiber towel as it is very soft and easily absorbed the wet in your pet’s fur.

Do a green paw and stained fur on your pet cause an important concern? Most rabbits are hard to keep in an unspoiled condition, so some stains in your pet may not be needed to worry about. Especially if the stain is located on the pad of your pet’s feet, then you should not be even more concerned. However, if your pet’s underside may become green or yellow in color with a matted and smelly, this may cause a serious, especially if there are no skin lesions on your pet’s paws.
The following are the possible causes why your pet has such green/yellow and smelly underside.
- Urinary Issues – if you notice that your rabbit can frequently be urinating more than the usual, your pet may have the possibility to have some urinary issues. Such urinary problems include kidney problems, the bladder of the rabbit might have an infection, or even urinary tract infections can be caused by some issues because of a high calcium diet. These kinds of urinary conditions will eventually lead to urine blistering.
- Urine Blistering – these commonly happen when the rabbit’s hind legs may become red and sore. The rabbit’s fur may also seem smelly, the same as urine-soak. If this happens, this may eventually lead to flystrike or may become serious conditions if you ignored such blistering.
- Inappropriate Living Situation – if your rabbit’s cage or hutch is too small for its size, then your pet can absolutely find it hard to maintain it clean. As an effect, your pet’s paws, as well as its fur, may become stained or matted. So having such stains located inside the hind legs, and sore looking fur can be consulted into your vet.
- Energetic House Guest – male rabbits, especially those unneutered ones, will begin to spray even at their young age. So if you have two unneutered rabbits that live together in one cage, the most powerful male rabbit starts to spray into the other rabbit causing its fur to become stained.
- Two Rabbits in Small Enclosure – if such rabbits share one small enclosure, this may end up that one may hide in a litter box to prevent each other. But in general, a neutered rabbit will essentially do better if they are in pairs rather than alone.
Here’s a video on how to clean your rabbit’s paws.
Your rabbit’s paws turn green when they play outdoors in the grass. As a pet owner, keep in mind that washing your pet is unnecessary unless they are very dirty, or they cannot groom themselves alone. Just make sure that they live in a clean area so that you avoid having a stained pet. And even if you bath them, you need to consult your vet or do it with care since they might panic and can lead to more serious cases such as injury.