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  • Rabbit Snuffles

    Rabbit Snuffles: Diagnosing, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

    Rabbit health is important, especially if you want them to improve their lifespan. Unlike other animals, extra care and consideration are done when taking care of rabbits because of their vulnerability and sensitive body. One disease that you should not overlook is rabbit snuffles because it can destroy your pet’s body.  According to Bishops Stortford […] More

  • Amoxicillin For Rabbits

    Amoxicillin (Antibiotics) For Rabbits: Risks, Problems & Best Practices

    Health is important when you are taking care of a pet rabbit. Like other species, there are known diseases and illnesses that can affect this animal. And sometimes, it can cause bacterial infection in their body. One way to treat common infections is by using antibiotics. However, remember that treatment of such infection needs a […] More

  • Ear Mites In Rabbits

    Ear Mites in Rabbits: Diagnosing, Risks, Prevention & Treatment

    Most pet owners decide to take care of rabbits because they are low maintenance, unlike dogs. However, they forget that they are more sensitive and need a lot of attention since they are more vulnerable to certain illnesses and diseases. They also have a unique diet that you need to consider to ensure their lifespan […] More

  • Diarrhea In Rabbits

    Diarrhea In Rabbits: Causes, Treatment & Prevention

    Diarrhea is a common illness that animals and humans can experience. Even your rabbit can be diagnosed with this easily because they have a more sensitive digestive system than other pets such as dogs and cats.  A slight change in their nutrition can trigger diarrhea, so you need to understand what causes rabbit diarrhea and […] More

  • Rabbit Poop as Fertilizer

    Rabbit Poop As Fertilizer (Composting For Your Garden)

    If you are thinking of where to dump your rabbit’s pile of poop, you might consider using it as a solid fertilizer in your garden. Michigan State University stated that the soil would benefit from the rabbit’s manure more than other animals, such as horse or cow manure. Since rabbit manure is commonly odorless and […] More

  • Rabbit Testicles

    Rabbit Testicles: Common Problems, Symptoms & Best Practices

    Rabbit testicles are an important part of your rabbit body, especially during gestation. That is where the sperm cell comes from and travels to the body of the female rabbit after mating to form baby bunnies.  But just like other animals, rabbit testicles can experience problems and issues regarding their testes function. It is important […] More

  • Rabbit Malnutrition

    Malnutrition In Rabbits: Causes, Signs, Care & Prevention

    Some pet owners face a problem with their rabbits regarding their weight; either their rabbit is obese or underweight. That is why one of the responsibilities you should take seriously is planning the rabbit’s diet. Rabbits are known to be grass fodder or, in other words, herbivore animals. One reason for this is that hays […] More

  • Rabbit Anatomy

    Rabbit Anatomy 101: The Definitive Guide

    A rabbit’s anatomy is not complicated as everyone thinks. Like other species, rabbits are composed of eyes, noses, ears, lips, and other body systems. All parts of their body work as one to help your pet function effectively. According to the American Association of Anatomy, the word ” anatomy ” is the study of the […] More

  • Rabbit Head Tilt

    Rabbit Head Tilt: Diagnosing, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

    For most owners taking care of rabbits gives them a lot of fun and benefits since they are known as sociable animals. They like playing, eating, and sleeping. But at some point in their life, problems can occur in their body, and there will be noticeable changes in behavior and body formation. One of these […] More

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