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  • Blueberries For Rabbits

    Does Blueberry Have Beneficial Nutrition for Rabbits?

    Rabbits are commonly known to eat hay for their diet. It has been established that 80 to 90 percent of their regular diet should come from consuming hay and water. The remainder of 10 percent should come from high-quality grains or, for other options, fresh and leafy vegetables. However, when it comes to their desert […] More

  • Flaked Maize For Rabbits

    Best Flaked Maize For Your Rabbits

    Rabbit’s diet is important because it reflects their overall health and body function. According to the Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA), the best diet for rabbits is a lot of hay. That is because it contains fiber that improves the digestive system of this animal. However, feeding them a variety […] More

  • Onions For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Onions? (Health Risks & Food Alternatives)

    Onions are a common staple in homes. We use them for cooking and acquire nutritional benefits from eating them. With this in mind, you may also wonder if your rabbit gets the same health benefits as humans. Or is it safe for your rabbit?  After all, rabbits need a good diet plan. Making sure to […] More

  • Amoxicillin For Rabbits

    Amoxicillin (Antibiotics) For Rabbits: Risks, Problems & Best Practices

    Health is important when you are taking care of a pet rabbit. Like other species, there are known diseases and illnesses that can affect this animal. And sometimes, it can cause bacterial infection in their body. One way to treat common infections is by using antibiotics. However, remember that treatment of such infection needs a […] More

  • Carrots For Rabbits

    Carrots For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Where does the idea originate that rabbits love eating carrots? The famous Bugs Bunny cartoon is known for consuming carrots, and for years many rabbit owners have had a misconception that their rabbits will love eating carrots. However, in reality, rabbits should avoid eating carrots daily.  Carrots are veggies, so people think of them as […] More

  • Rabbit Snuffles

    Rabbit Snuffles: Diagnosing, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

    Rabbit health is important, especially if you want them to improve their lifespan. Unlike other animals, extra care and consideration are done when taking care of rabbits because of their vulnerability and sensitive body. One disease that you should not overlook is rabbit snuffles because it can destroy your pet’s body.  According to Bishops Stortford […] More

  • Rabbit Head Tilt

    Rabbit Head Tilt: Diagnosing, Causes, Treatment & Prevention

    For most owners taking care of rabbits gives them a lot of fun and benefits since they are known as sociable animals. They like playing, eating, and sleeping. But at some point in their life, problems can occur in their body, and there will be noticeable changes in behavior and body formation. One of these […] More

  • Oxbow Critical Care Nutrition Formula: What Does It Do To Your Rabbit?

    Oxbow Critical Care Nutrition Formula: What Does It Do To Your Rabbit?

    Taking care of rabbits is a responsibility that every pet owner needs to do, most especially if their rabbit becomes ill. Rabbits can get easily upset and sick because of their vulnerability. That is why you must know what to do if your pet is unwell.  One of them is providing nutritional care. Oxbow Critical […] More

  • Do Rabbits Love Watermelon?

    Watermelon For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Rabbits are allowed to eat watermelon. However, note that this fruit should not be their primary source of nutrients from their meal. Watermelon has a big sugar ratio in its content, which can harm your rabbit. Slight quantities of the sugars are fine, but if your pet over-indulges pieces of watermelon, the bunny’s gastral tract […] More

  • Lettuce For Rabbits

    Lettuce For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Lettuce is frequently mentioned as “bunny nourishment” because it is a veggie grass. This is a common misconception for other people. As a rabbit owner, you should know that lettuce comes in a variety. Meaning you can offer lettuce to your rabbit but with some restrictions.  Romaine lettuce and lamb’s lettuce are harmless. According to […] More

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