
Is Peace Lily Poisonous To Your Rabbits? (Facts, Diagnosis & Food Alternatives)

Peace Lilies For Rabbits

Feeding your rabbit a balanced diet is one responsibility that every pet owner should take seriously. Since they have a sensitive digestive system, improper nourishment can result in different stomach problems. 

In addition, some people think that all plants or grass are safe for their pets to eat because rabbits are herbivores. But you must remember that some varieties of food, like plants, are unsuitable for your pet. According to the Rabbit Welfare Association and Fund (RWAF), house plants harm rabbits. 

This also goes the same with Peace Lily. Generally speaking, Peace Lilies are toxic plants that may cause some ill to your rabbits.

Although it would be quite unusual for your pet to become immediately ill after consuming a small number of lilies. But some signs may appear. If you want to know more about plant lilies and rabbits, keep reading.

Peace Lilies and Rabbits

Peace Lily is typically used as an outdoor plant because it requires a wet and humid environment. This plant is also known as Mauna Loa Peace Lily

If your rabbit accidentally ingests this plant, it may cause oral irritation, usually with difficulty swallowing and irritation of the tongue, lips, and mouth. That is because this plant has toxicity called insoluble calcium oxalate crystals. Some reports stated that it is similar to other house plants belonging to the Araceae family.

Peace lilies release these oxalate crystals when animals bite or chew this plant. This results in tissue penetration and irritation of the gastrointestinal tract causing diarrhea in rabbits. A rare scenario is also seen, such as the swelling of an animal’s upper airway, making it difficult for them to breathe.

Diagnosing Peace Lilies Toxicity

If you see changes in your rabbit’s behavior and some common signs of toxicity, you should visit their veterinarian immediately. The doctor will conduct a physical examination of your pet so they can possibly rule out conditions that may be present and similar to poisoning. 

Moreover, they will ask you about specific clinical signs you notice after your rabbit’s exposure to the peace lilies. The veterinarian might also conduct poop or urine tests to see if there are possible abnormalities and other underlying health conditions. In that way, the vet can provide the proper treatment for the toxicity of your pet. 

Although each case may vary depending on the severity of the poisoning. Remember not to self-diagnose or treat your pet, especially in toxicity cases. You are only putting the rabbit’s life in danger. 

Read More: Definitive Guide to Your Rabbit’s Health

Alternative Food for Peace Lilies

Instead of letting your rabbit fodder on your house plants, there are several safe foods you can offer to your rabbit. Moreover, the food list below will also benefit your rabbit’s health and keep them improving their bodily function. 



If you want to know more about Rabbit foods, kindly read this article:

The Definitive Guide To What Foods Rabbits Can & Cannot Eat

Key takeaways

  • According to RWAF, most house plants are considered toxic to rabbits. Moreover, they are non-nutritional food, so offering your rabbit plants in their diet is unnecessary.
  • Peace Lilies are poisonous to your rabbit pet. They contain a toxic called insoluble calcium oxalate crystals causing risk in the digestive tract of small animals. 
  • Peace lilies are mostly used as outdoor plants because of environmental requirements. So if your rabbit is playing in your garden, keep an eye on them to avoid grazing on the lilies and other house plants.
  • Some clinical signs of lily toxicity are swelling, irritation in the mouth and lips, and diarrhea. 
  • Most vets will ask questions about the exposure and root cause of poisoning in your pet to diagnose toxicity. The doctor will also conduct a poop and urine test to see any abnormalities in the compound inside the rabbit’s body.
  • Instead of feeding your rabbit with house plants, you can choose a healthy and alternative food that is safe for them to eat. For example, apples, blueberries, broccoli, cabbage, zucchini, and many more. 

Written by Here Bunny

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