
Banana For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

Banana For Rabbits

Bananas are a good option to offer as a snack treat for your rabbits. This fruit can also be an additional source for your rabbit’s nutritional needs. After all, it is packed with minerals and vitamins.

One primary benefit of banana is that it has antioxidant and fiber content; they are the one who is responsible for protecting cells and increasing respiratory function. However, giving bananas to your rabbit can also be harmful. It will depend on how often you let your furry bunny munch on this fruit.  

Initially, bananas and their skins are stiff. And the starchy components from this fruit can damage a bunny’s bowels and other functional structures. Rabbit guts are intended to abstract cellulose, not nourishment crops high in fat, carbohydrates, and starch.

Furthermore, you must be conscious of a solitary part of the banana’s glucose level. Separately from the starch content of the fruit, the glucose will make it tough for your domesticated bunny to digest. You must break it into pieces to suit your bunny’s bodily vigor. 

Bananas Can Be Addictive

Although it can be satisfying that your rabbit eats food other than grass. Note that bananas can be addictive for rabbits, according to a Purdue University of Veterinary University study

If you treat your rabbit with sugary bananas more frequently, then it is probable that your rabbit will be less attentive to their grasses which should be their main diet because that is where they get fiber to have a good digestive function. 

You need to remember that a bunny needs to twig to its normal green nourishment and other fruits are for occasional treats only.

Banana Peels

Banana peels are also good for your rabbit as they cover a high quantity of fiber and have less sugar than bananas. So you don’t need to worry if you want to fodder it to your bunny. 

Although banana peels and greeneries are not harmful to your pet, it is suggested by most vets to take extra measures like washing them first before feeding them to your rabbit as they might be exposed to some insecticides and other toxic substances. Most insecticides can make your bunny extremely sick.

Your rabbit might also like Peaches, Blueberries, Watermelon, Cherries, and Apples as a delicious treat.

Read More: The Definitive Guide To What Foods Rabbits Can & Cannot Eat

Feeding Safety Measures

  1. Ensure your bunny is developed sufficiently to digest the extremely supplemented banana. Consider the age and wellness of your bunny if you plan to introduce the banana fruit to your pet’s pallet because some rabbits cannot intake this hefty delicacy.
  2. A bunny must be a minimum of 3 months old when you plan to add other staples to its diet. Sometimes, it is suggested that you delay four to six months before presenting them with any berry or plant. Letting your bunny fodder on grass hays is suggested. 
  3. A frequent change of foods like fruits and veggies in their meal simultaneously can harm your pet and risk their health. As a rabbit owner, you must know foods that you should avoid giving to your rabbit
  4. When you feed your rabbit banana or any other fruit, always wash it to remove excess bacteria and microorganisms that might be living in the fruit.
  5. If you think your rabbit dislikes bananas, you must not pressure them. Bunnies can be particular sometimes.
  6. After your rabbit consumes bananas and finds your pet’s poop soft and liquidy, immediately stop giving them bananas. This can mean one thing: their tummy is not yet ready for the fruit. Instead, offer your bunny hay or pellets directly on their plate. The grass will wash their guts and make your rabbit feel good again. 
  7. Talk to your vet immediately if your bunny displays any signs of illness.


A healthy diet for a rabbit will enhance your furry pet’s overall performance. And adding fruits such as bananas can also contribute to their nourishment. However, like what’s mentioned above, you should consider something like the effects of certain food on your rabbit’s appetite. After all, we want our pets to have a healthy life ahead. 

Written by Here Bunny

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