
Group of Rabbits: Understanding Hierarchy, Terminologies & Care

Group Of Rabbits

Rabbits are classified as prey animals. According to a Scottish Government article, this puts them at constant risk because predators always hunt them. However, due to this situation, rabbits also develop some bizarre characteristics, especially in the wild

They can sleep with their eyes open to ensure that even if they are resting, they can sense if danger is near them.  

They will also thump their feet to give warning to the other rabbits. These are some of the rabbit facts that most owners find fascinating. But there is more to rabbits that you need to know. One of them is what do you call a group of rabbits? 

There are many names that you can call a rabbit. Some are a herd of rabbits, a litter of rabbits, and a colony. But before we dive deeper into this topic. Let us first discuss the natural structure of rabbits.

Hierarchy: Natural Structure of the Rabbits

Rabbits belong to the same category as humans. They are mammal animals, so they do not lay eggs like birds or snakes when they give birth. They also care for their offspring by feeding them milk their bodies produce

Breeding rabbits is important. This helps them maintain the number of members in their group. Since rabbits are prey animals, they prefer to be in a group rather than living alone. You need to remember that Isolation means distress in them. 

The Department of Primary Industry claims that a group of rabbits commonly consists of 7-10 members. Having a male and female to help them reproduce. Like in other social animal structures, the group is led by a dominant buck (the term for making rabbits) and a doe (the term for female rabbits). 

These two dominant rabbits are the ones who are responsible for breeding. The other members are just a helper, especially in hunting. Rabbits need to maintain the hierarchy structure. This is also why rabbits can exhibit aggression when one of the members challenges the dominant male, which leads to fighting.  

But you don’t need to worry because this is all-natural for them. Just be on watch if the fighting escalates into a more dangerous situation, and be ready to intervene.

Terminologies Used for Rabbits

Rabbits live in groups. But, some of you might wonder about the term when they are grouped. There are so many ways to call a group of rabbits. It’s amazing that when you start caring for them, you also want to know this basic information. To guide you, kindly look at the table you might encounter when calling your rabbits.

BuckThis refers to male rabbits
DoeThis refers to female rabbits
Colonyis the common term for a group of rabbits used worldwide. It comprises 7-10 members, including a male and female rabbit.  
WarrenThis refers to the place where a group of rabbits lives. It is one of the common misconceptions to use the term “warren of rabbits: because it should be “rabbit’s warren” (referring to where they stay) 
HerdThis refers to a group of domesticated/livestock animals like rabbits. The herd is also used in animals such as cows and sheep.
Fluffleis a new term to describe a group of rabbits. 
HuskThis term describes a group of jackrabbits. 
NestA term for a family of rabbits that lives  and stays together. 
LittersThis refers to the offspring or the group of baby rabbits. 

Read More On Rabbit Facts: Rabbits Facts: The Common Question About Your Rabbits

Managing the Population of Rabbits

Controlling the population has sometimes become a problem for other rabbit owners. Since it is recommended that you find a mate for your rabbit, there is also a high probability that they will make offspring.

Like in other animals, sexual intercourse is natural for rabbits. This can often happen if males and females share the same cage and are in heat. 

It can be amazing to see your rabbit’s stars getting pregnant and watch their journey until they give birth. Seeing the little offspring is also amazing. However, if the population of your pet gets bigger and bigger within the year, this is where the problem begins. 

Unwanted pregnancies in rabbits often happen because of the owner’s negligence. You need to have a plan for rabbit breeding. If your reason for caring for rabbits is to breed, then make yourself knowledgeable by searching for information and asking the experts. 

But if you buy or adopt a rabbit for the sake of having a pet, then have a proactive measure to avoid this risk from happening.

Here are some tips to help you avoid a growing population of rabbits: 

  • Limit the number of adult bucks. The ideal male rabbit you should have is one, and the rest is female.
  • Have your rabbit undergo spay/neuter surgery. This tip is right if you don’t plan to get your pet pregnant. Ask any local vet about the surgery plan for your pet and the best time for them to do this. 
  • Young kits born into a group should be removed and raised separately. Those rabbit farms that purposely want to expand the population of their rabbits should be selected to create a new group.
  • Have a separate cage for male and female rabbits. But do not isolate them because it will distress your pet. Ensure that the cage is also near one another.
  • When the rabbits are in heat, separate the male and female rabbits immediately to avoid sexual intercourse. 
  • To manage the population growth, you may also limit the time the bucks spend.

Basic Requirements for Having a Group of Rabbits

Caring for rabbits is not easy, unlike others. They are sensitive animals that require kin attention to maintain their healthy body and avoid diseases. Moreover, before you decide to have them, you need to know some basic rabbit facts to help you understand them better.  

Moreover, it’s essential to know the basic requirements, especially when dealing with a group of rabbits. To help you, we listed some caring tips for you when dealing with a large number of rabbits


A safe and relaxing shelter is one of the basic requirements when owning a pet. You need to have a place for them to sleep and eat. You also need to consider the size of the shelter. 

When you own more than 3 rabbits and plan to cage them in a single shelter, ensure enough space for everyone to move and play. 

Although allowing them to play outside is ideal, their shelter still needs space to avoid conflict, like fighting. 


Rabbits need food like any other species. It is basic knowledge that food serves as a source of nutrients for your pet. You also need to consider that rabbits have a delicate digestive system. They must eat a special meal to avoid problems like diarrhea and gastrointestinal stasis. Therefore a large percentage of grass and hays are important to them. But it’s also ideal to have them taste various flavors from vegetables and fruits. Just remember to limit the amount because not all kinds of foods are suitable for your pet. 


Knowing that food is important in rabbits, you must also have a feeder. Feeders serve as food and water bowls for rabbits. The number of feeders required when having a colony of rabbits must depend on how many their population is. 

You also need to note that there is a tendency for your pet to become aggressive when they share in a small feeder, so if you are hesitant about how big or small it is appropriate for rabbits, ask expert rabbit owners. 

Water Supply

Water is important to rabbits. They must stay hydrated to help their body hydrate and digest food easily. 

Like the feeders, the water supply can also depend on the number of your rabbits. You also need to take note of the amount of dryness of their food.

The half-gallon bottled water can hang on the side of the individual cages and is most ideally appropriate for a 5-6 number of adult rabbits and a litter. You must also remember to regularly change the water in your drinking bowl. This will help the bowls prevent growing bacteria, which is a common place for disease to start. 

But for another option, you can install an auto water system that does not need constant refilling. You can use a five-gallon bucket for the whole pen and refill every 2 to 3 days. It is a work saver, but not during cold climates because of the possibility of the water freezing.     

Key Takeaways

  • Rabbits are prey animals, so they are in constant danger from predators. This is also why they prefer to live in groups to have a better chance of survival. 
  • Breeding is important to rabbits. This allows them to re-produces and make their group bigger.  
  • A group of rabbits commonly consist of 7-10 members. Having both dominant males and females lead the group. 
  • Hierarchy is important to rabbits to maintain the rankings of their group. That also helps them know their position and task during a hunt. 
  • Here are the different terminologies used in rabbits;
    • bucks (male rabbits), 
    • doe (female rabbits), 
    • colony (group of rabbits), 
    • warren (a place where a group of rabbits stays), 
    • herd (group of domesticated rabbits), 
    • fluffle (new term for a group of rabbits),  
    • husk (group of jackrabbits), 
    • nest (family of rabbits), and 
    • litters (group of baby rabbits).
  • Unwanted pregnancies are some of the common problems in rabbits. It’s natural for a male and female rabbit to have sexual intercourse, which results in reproducing litters. But a  growing population can start a problem that leads to negligence.
  • To prevent unwanted pregnancy, you can limit the number of male rabbits, separate the cage of bucks and does, have them undergo a spay/neuter surgery, and separate them when both rabbits are in heat. 
  • Here are the basic requirements for rabbits: shelter, food, feeders, and water supply.        

Written by Here Bunny

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