
The Rabbit Scream: Understanding What To Do When Your Rabbit Is Screaming

The Rabbit Scream

Rabbits are known for their adorable and playful nature, but it’s important to note that they can exhibit different behaviors that may seem strange or unusual.    

One of these behaviors is screaming, which can be alarming for rabbit owners. While some reasons for rabbit screaming may not be too concerning, paying attention to their behavior is essential. 

If you’ve never heard your rabbit scream before, it can be a terrifying experience. A rabbit might scream if frightened of being attacked or dying, experiencing severe pain, or having a seizure. Additionally, they may also emit a scream shortly before passing away.

What Does a Rabbit Scream Sound Like?

A rabbit can produce a sound based on what they are feeling. If they are happy, they will purr because of the satisfaction. But when distressed or angry, they also make a noise. As an owner, you must determine what a rabbit scream sounds like. 

According to Oxbow Animal Health, rabbit screaming is like a human screaming. It indicates many things, like asking for help or being uncomfortable. Your pet will often do this if they sense danger in their surroundings. They will scream loudly to get the attention of you or their mate. 

Moreover, when a rabbit needs assistance, it will produce a scream you can hear from a distance. This is particularly evident when the rabbit is trapped or injured, and its vocalization can be heard from afar. It also helps you facilitate the location of your rabbit. 

How Often Do Rabbits Scream?

The frequency at which rabbits scream can vary depending on the situation and the individual rabbit. Some rabbits may scream more often than others due to their temperament, age, and other factors. 

They can also scream occasionally because they feel like screaming. Remember that when you hear this from your pet, observe them and know the root cause in case emergency help is needed. 

Read more: Rabbits Facts: The Common Questions About Your Rabbits.

Causes of Rabbit Screaming

Rabbit screaming is usually a sign of distress, and various factors can cause it. Here are some common causes of a rabbit screaming:

Rabbit is in Pain 

Rabbits can experience pain from injuries, illnesses, or dental problems. That is why it can cause a rabbit to scream loudly and persistently. Sometimes an injury is hard to determine. When your pet suddenly screams, thoroughly check their body because the cut can be seen under their fur or paws

Rabbit Felt Fear 

Rabbits are prey animals and can easily become scared by loud noises. For example, unfamiliar surroundings or sudden movements. Their fear can cause them to scream as a defense mechanism. You must familiarize your pet with different surroundings to prevent them from being fearful. 

Rabbit Gets Aggressive 

Rabbits can be territorial and may become aggressive towards other rabbits or humans. This aggression can result in screaming and other distressing behaviors. If your pets are sharing the same cage and

Rabbit is Stress 

Rabbit stress can cause them to become scared. Stressors for rabbits can include changes in their environment, new people or pets, and loud noises.

What to Do When Your Rabbit Screams

If you hear your rabbit scream, the first thing to do is to assess the situation and identify the cause of the distress. If it is a health issue, contact your pet’s veterinarian immediately. If it is fear or stress-related, remove the cause of their distress.

You must remain calm during this situation. The University of West Alabama says a pet usually senses a human’s emotions. That is why if they are distressed and you are also feeling that way, it does not help the situation. 

Preventing Rabbit Screaming 

Prevention is always better than cure, and there are several things you can do to prevent your rabbit from screaming. Here are some tips on how to prevent rabbit screaming:

Provide a Safe and Comfortable Environment 

Ensure your rabbit’s living space is secure, comfortable, and free from any hazards that may cause injury or distress. Provide plenty of hiding places, such as tunnels or boxes, to help your rabbit feel secure.

Handle Your Rabbit Gently

When handling your rabbit, be gentle and avoid sudden movements or actions that may cause fear or stress. Always support your rabbit’s weight properly and avoid picking it up by the ears or tail.

Socialize Your Rabbit 

According to the Indiana House Rabbit Society, rabbits generally are loving and affectionate. That is why they also do not like being alone. Spend time with your rabbit to help it become accustomed to your presence and develop a bond of trust. This can help reduce fear and stress, twitch is the common cause of screaming. 

Provide Mental and Physical Stimulation. 

Boredom and lack of stimulation can lead to stress and anxiety in rabbits, which may cause them to scream. Provide toys, tunnels, and other items to mentally and physically stimulate your rabbit.

Keep Your Rabbit Safe from Predators

If your rabbit can play outside, ensure it is in a secure and fenced area to prevent predators from attacking it. Outdoor activities can also help prevent boredom in your pet. Moreover, they will have the opportunity to release their pent-up energy, the cause of aggressiveness in rabbits. 

Offer Healthy Foods 

Healthy food is essential for your rabbit’s recovery and overall health. Provide fresh hay, vegetables, and a limited amount of pellets to ensure they receive all the necessary nutrients. You can also offer them their favorite treats. That way, your rabbit will divert their attention to the food. 

Regular Veterinary Check-ups 

Ensure your rabbit receives regular veterinary check-ups to detect potential health issues before they become serious. This can help prevent pain and discomfort, which may cause your rabbit to scream.

Read more: The Ultimate Guide to Taking Care of Rabbits


  • Rabbit screaming is a distressing and alarming behavior caused by pain, fear, aggression, or stress. 
  • As prey animals, rabbits are vulnerable and can exhibit various behaviors that may seem unusual to their owners. 
  • Pay attention to your rabbit’s behavior and be prepared to act if they start screaming. 
  • If you hear your rabbit scream, the first thing to do is assess the situation and identify the cause of distress.  
  • Understanding why rabbits scream and how to respond appropriately can help your furry friend stay healthy and happy.
  • Here are the things you should do to prevent rabbits from screaming: Provide a comfortable environment, Handle the rabbit gently, Visit a veterinary clinic, Provide mental stimulation, Keep the rabbits away from predators, and Offer them healthy foods.

Written by Here Bunny

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