Wouldn’t it be interesting learning the number of babies that a rabbit can have? It is not a secret that these animals can reproduce constantly when not neutered or spayed. For rabbits of differing sexes that still go unfixed, you will expect newer and more additions to your family.
The simplest answer can go like this as a rabbit can have between one and fourteen babies during the first litter. Expect that it can give birth to about six kits or baby rabbits. It is not likely that these babies will survive. When the kit is not likely to flourish since it is weak, it’s when its mother will ignore it.
Essential facts to learn more about the rabbit’s reproduction
Babies in the First Litter of the Rabbit

In our search, it was known that the size of the litter of the rabbit could vary. Whether it is a 1st or 5th litter, it could go on to fourteen babies. The pet rabbit may give birth to just a single baby.
The rabbit could as well give birth to 6 kits on the average. The combination will exist between female and male rabbits. It will depend on the number and the ones that survive.
When your pet already gave birth, you now need to separate the young. They must live alongside their mother for 8 weeks. Never wait for days before you arrange the separate hutches.
Upon reaching sexual maturity of about 3 months of age, your pet rabbit will then look to breed. This will be with a sibling or a parent. Now your task will include separating the babies and getting them neutered or spayed. The goal here is to keep these rabbits calm and avoid unwelcome pregnancies.
Number of Babies That Survive Out of the Litter
Rabbits can be just as frail as animals. That is true when they are just young. This is when some of those babies are just stillborn. When this happens, never be surprised when the animal still eats the remains.
This simply is not a sort of cannibalism. It’s just that it is following an approach that prioritizes safety first. Predators around may be attracted to the scent of the new-born rabbit. When there is nobody, there is no scent as well.
Other babies can get weaker after being born. They may not, too, survive. You’ll notice that the rabbits are not maternal. They may ignore the weakest young while still rearing and feeding on those stronger kits.
Rabbits are driven by their instinct to further their species. Now, if the rabbit believes that she can keep more babies alive, she will then prioritize. The stronger the young will get more chances of breeding themselves and growing up more.
The rabbit may also divide their babies, forming into groups. This is what is called prioritization. Other babies may survive more in the eyes of the rabbit. This group is what she focuses on putting on her efforts.
Better give the hutch a regular check. A nest of fur and hay will also hide them. The weaker young could be just buried down in the nest without getting warmth and milk.
Rabbits Mourning the Loss of the Babies

Mother rabbits won’t mourn the loss of their stillborn babies. Those who died after given birth won’t get the mourning they should deserve. That is just part of their nature as animals. And your mother rabbit knows that she can get pregnant after several days of giving birth.
A methodical and practical approach is usually taken to reproduction. These kits are seen as something essential for their species continuation. When things go wrong, your rabbit will try reproducing again.
Your pet rabbit may protect the rest of the living babies. It is okay if it reacts aggressively when you handle the young.
Rabbit Always Ignores the Babies
Your pet rabbit will never play or cuddle with the babies. This is part of its wild instinct. It also knew that predators would come next to a nest of young rabbits to pick them up. That is when it keeps its distance. It wants to attract potential elements and catch them up.
A property hutch must be made free from dangers. Logical thought is then overpowered by instinct in animals. The pet will also establish a nest for the babies. It will attend to the babies once a day.
It all boils down to the needs of a baby rabbit. The milk of a rabbit is enriched with calories. That is when it must be fed once every day. But, never ever feed it with cow’s milk. Or else, your rabbit will stimulate the young to eliminate more.
Never go in a panic if the rabbit does not feed its kits. It will feed its young right below the cover of darkness. It will also attend to the needs of its babies after you reached your bed. Just give it a watchful eye while you make it looking healthy.
Also, try to watch this video https://youtu.be/ah15fXgiegI for some more information about your pet rabbit ignoring the babies.
Tips to Know if They Are in Danger
Be more concerned about the health of your baby rabbits. Know the potential warning signs. Follow these bulleted tips to make things easy on your part.
- Count the kits. Ensure that they are accounted for. When the baby burrows right deeper as compared to others, they may only get lost. Likewise, they may be forgotten.
- Make sure the babies spend time staying in their nest. When the rabbit leaves young not attended while in the hutch, you need to move them yourself. It’s when your pet rabbit may not recover the babies going for a wander.
- Make sure the baby rabbits are warm. They should also have a plump and round tummy. This sign of them nurtured properly. If ever the baby rabbit is cold, it won’t feed and won’t last long, too.
When you believe that the baby rabbits are neglected, you will now need to take immediate action. Give them warmth through the application of a hot water bottle. This must be placed under their nest. Feed them by the use of your hand using a milk replacement formula. Know more about the foods to feed your baby rabbit.
Baby Rabbit Chance of Living with a Father
Once when the pregnancy of the rabbit already is concluded, the father now needs to be removed from the cage. Separate the rabbit earlier. You need to remember that the female shows her aggressive behavior toward the male counterpart.
The female rabbit must be readily bred again in twenty-four hours following the giving of birth. This is when the opportunity is taken by an unneutered male. You will just end up for another litter. This is even before the first baby leaves its mother.
When the rabbit does not care much for its young, never house them both next to their father. It’s when the baby will be exposed to more danger. The male rabbit will not produce milk. It is because it just has only fewer caring instincts. It will then do the job of seeing his offspring as a potential mating partner or territorial rival.
You now have learned more about the number of babies that a rabbit can have at one time. It is specifically answered by one and fourteen babies. The article has listed as well some supporting facts prior to the baby rabbit’s pregnancy. It’s when you can now be relaxed as possible when a mother rabbit gives birth to its babies.