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  • Broccoli For Rabbits

    Broccoli For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Fresh vegetables provide your bunny with various vitamins, minerals, nutrients, and extra fiber. Veggies will also brand your bunny’s food more stimulating because of its diverse tastes. One of the veggies that your rabbit can eat is Broccoli.  However, it will depend on your rabbit’s diet if broccoli benefits their health. Some rabbits can eat […] More

  • Spinach For Rabbits

    Spinach For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Rabbits love numerous diverse vegetables aside from their primary diets, such as hay and pellets. That is because veggies can also provide your pet with vitamins and Fiber that enhance your rabbit’s fitness and wellness.  Knowing this, you might be motivated to fodder your bunny with any vegetable you have nearby. One of the safe […] More

  • Banana For Rabbits

    Banana For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Bananas are a good option to offer as a snack treat for your rabbits. This fruit can also be an additional source for your rabbit’s nutritional needs. After all, it is packed with minerals and vitamins. One primary benefit of banana is that it has antioxidant and fiber content; they are the one who is […] More

  • Asparagus For Rabbits

    Asparagus For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Asparagus and Rabbit One of the veggies that come to the list of safe food your rabbit can eat is asparagus. This healthy snack treat can be added to the staple meal of your pet. Asparagus covers around 94% of the water, making it a great snack for your rabbit during summer days. In addition, […] More

  • Oranges For Rabbits

    Oranges For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Oranges are a healthy and delicious fruit snack you can offer your rabbit since it gives additional nutrients to their body. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, a hundred grams of orange fruit contains different vitamins and minerals that can benefit your pet. This includes Vitamin C, Fiber, and Zinc.  When you decide to […] More

  • Radishes For Rabbits

    Radishes For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    There are several root crops that are unsuitable for your rabbit’s digestive system, such as potatoes and onions, because of the starch and carbohydrate content. However, you might also wonder if radishes are bad for your pet since this veggie belongs to the family of root crops Brassicaceae, according to the University of Illinois Extension […] More

  • Tomatoes For Rabbits

    Tomatoes For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Foddering new food in your pet can be exciting because, finally, the rabbit can try various tastes aside from their regular food like timothy hay, alfalfa grass, and rabbit pellets. One of the foods you might have thought of offering your pet is tomato. However, the question is, can your rabbit safely eat this fruit? […] More

  • Grapes For Rabbits

    Grapes For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Grapes are simply berries that sprout on a vine. They are an enjoyable fruit treat for humans and your rabbit. They are packed with antioxidants and phytonutrients, which benefit those who consume them. If you plan to add a fruit-based diet to your bunny, grapes are a good option because of their sugar stability. Eating […] More

  • Jicama For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Jicama? (Facts & Food Alternatives)

    Giving treats to rabbits is always a fun activity to do since you can see your pet enjoying munching the foods that you offer them. That is why aside from eating their regular food like rabbit pellets and grass hays, sometimes it is ideal to add other nutrients to your rabbit because it gives them […] More

  • Potatoes For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Potatoes? (Health Risks & Concerns)

    Different kinds of potatoes are grown worldwide, including native and wild potatoes.  And according to the research of the International Potato Center, potatoes are the third most important plant crop for human consumption. You might also wonder if you can offer this crop to your lovely bunnies.  Before we answer this question, you must first […] More

  • Cabbage For Rabbits

    Cabbage For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Adding vegetables to the diet of rabbits is ideal since it can be a source of more nourishment for them. Most especially if the veggie is packed with nutrients that can help boost immunity and bodily function. One of the veggies that rabbits can eat is cabbages.  According to Hasting Veterinary Hospital, vegetables are naturally […] More

  • Corn For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Corn? (Health Risks & Food Alternatives)

    Corn is one of the humans’ favorite foods since it can be modified into a different dish. Such as popcorn, corn soup, and sweetcorn with butter. With this in mind, you might wonder if eating corn is also safe for your rabbit pet.  The answer to that is no. Corn is considered a food that […] More

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