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  • Vaccinations For Rabbits

    Vaccinations For Rabbits: Advantages & Importance

    Taking care of rabbits is more than providing safe shelter and food. They are species that need protection from diseases that they can acquire easily in their surroundings. According to the National Office of Animal Health NOAH’s website, one proactive measure you should consider is getting your rabbit vaccinated.        Most rabbit owners need to remember […] More

  • Rabbit Health Guide

    Definitive Guide to Your Rabbit’s Health

    Introduction Taking care of a rabbit is a more challenging task than what everyone thinks. From planning their diet, keeping them clean, vaccinating, and caring about their health. This is to ensure that they will live a long and happy life without experiencing problems and risks.  According to the study titled Standards of Care in […] More

  • Teff Grass Pellets For Rabbits

    Teff Grass Pellets For Your Rabbit: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Eating a delicious and healthy meal is important for rabbits. Your pet has a different digestive system, so their regular meal must contribute to their body function.  The Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) notes that a balanced diet includes mixed hays, vegetables, pellets, and freshwater. This will keep your pet’s […] More

  • Avocado For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Avocado? (Facts & Food Alternatives)

    Some rabbit owners mistakenly believe that all fruits and vegetables are safe for their pets to eat. However, this is not always the case. There are many plants that your rabbit cannot digest because rabbits have a special diet that should mostly contain high fiber content.  One fruit that you should avoid giving to your […] More

  • Chocolate For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Chocolate? (Facts & Food Alternatives)

    Chocolate is commonly known as a sweet dessert treat that most humans enjoy. However, you don’t want to offer this to your pet rabbit not just because it’s unhealthy for them.  This treat also contains a high amount of sugar your Rabbit’s digestive system cannot take. Although some types of chocolate, such as dark chocolate, […] More

  • Food For Rabbits

    The Definitive Guide To What Foods Rabbits Can & Cannot Eat

    Introduction Rabbits metabolize food much more easily than humans do. Moreover, you can feed them various food selections such as vegetables, fruits, pellets, and hay. That is because rabbits need to consume a high-quality diet for their health and to maintain proper nutrition. According to one study, the recommended diet for house rabbits includes feeding […] More

  • Zucchini For Rabbits

    Zucchini For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    A common misconception for some rabbit owners is that rabbits should only be fed with hay and green grass. However, various vegetables, fruits, and other plants can be found nutritious for rabbits’ overall wellness.  That is why some rabbits are used with a diverse balance and different nutrients than they require but note that it […] More

  • Rabbit Testicles

    Rabbit Testicles: Common Problems, Symptoms & Best Practices

    Rabbit testicles are an important part of your rabbit body, especially during gestation. That is where the sperm cell comes from and travels to the body of the female rabbit after mating to form baby bunnies.  But just like other animals, rabbit testicles can experience problems and issues regarding their testes function. It is important […] More

  • Rabbit Pyometra

    Pyometra in Female Rabbits: Causes, Symptoms, Diagnosing, Treatment & Prevention

    Rabbits are generally some of the ideal pets you should consider taking care of. Aside from being sociable animals, they are also low maintenance. Since they are herbivore animals, their primary diet comprises hays and grasses, which are rich in fiber. That is why some common illnesses you will encounter in rabbits are digestive-related issues.  […] More

  • Rabbit Poop as Fertilizer

    Rabbit Poop As Fertilizer (Composting For Your Garden)

    If you are thinking of where to dump your rabbit’s pile of poop, you might consider using it as a solid fertilizer in your garden. Michigan State University stated that the soil would benefit from the rabbit’s manure more than other animals, such as horse or cow manure. Since rabbit manure is commonly odorless and […] More

  • Peace Lilies For Rabbits

    Is Peace Lily Poisonous To Your Rabbits? (Facts, Diagnosis & Food Alternatives)

    Feeding your rabbit a balanced diet is one responsibility that every pet owner should take seriously. Since they have a sensitive digestive system, improper nourishment can result in different stomach problems.  In addition, some people think that all plants or grass are safe for their pets to eat because rabbits are herbivores. But you must […] More

  • Peanut Butter For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Peanut Butter? (Disadvantages & Health Risks)

    Peanut Butter is a popular spread for humans. Although peanut butter is homemade, they are not processed because they are produced from peanut, salt, and butter. Many people enjoy eating this as a spread in their bread or as it is.  However, can rabbits safely eat peanut butter as well? The answer is no. According […] More

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