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  • Rabbit Pellets

    6 Rabbit Pellets You Can Trust

    Pellets are important to be introduced in the earlier phases of your bunny’s growth and diet since they are extremely focused on nutrients. A high-quality pellet brand nourishment must be rich in fiber (18% smallest) and nutritionally stable.  As a bunny reaches adulthood, pellets must level up, and less food must be substituted, such as […] More

  • Do Rabbits Love Watermelon?

    Watermelon For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Rabbits are allowed to eat watermelon. However, note that this fruit should not be their primary source of nutrients from their meal. Watermelon has a big sugar ratio in its content, which can harm your rabbit. Slight quantities of the sugars are fine, but if your pet over-indulges pieces of watermelon, the bunny’s gastral tract […] More

  • Peaches For Rabbits

    Peaches For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Planning for your rabbit’s diet is a challenging task for every owner. That is because rabbits tend to be more sensitive in their digestive function than other pet animals. Moreover, their diet will depend on different factors such as age, weight, and if they have any underlying illness. The best option for you is to […] More

  • Strawberries For Rabbits

    Strawberries For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Opposed to traditional theories, your pet rabbit’s balanced diet is not just too limited to carrots and lettuce. And like other pets such as cats and dogs, you want to ensure that your lovely rabbits won’t stay on their conventional diets, like hays such as orchard grass, oat hay, brome, and timothy.  Your rabbit pet […] More

  • Pumpkins For Rabbits

    Pumpkins For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Pumpkin and Rabbits Pumpkin is a kind of winter squash belonging to the gourd species family. It comes in different shapes, colors, and sizes. They are known to grow on vines and can be available for harvest in early autumn. However, the most common type of pumpkin has a color of plump orange.  This veggie […] More

  • Corn For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Corn? (Health Risks & Food Alternatives)

    Corn is one of the humans’ favorite foods since it can be modified into a different dish. Such as popcorn, corn soup, and sweetcorn with butter. With this in mind, you might wonder if eating corn is also safe for your rabbit pet.  The answer to that is no. Corn is considered a food that […] More

  • Cabbage For Rabbits

    Cabbage For Rabbits: Feeding Guide, Nutrition & Facts

    Adding vegetables to the diet of rabbits is ideal since it can be a source of more nourishment for them. Most especially if the veggie is packed with nutrients that can help boost immunity and bodily function. One of the veggies that rabbits can eat is cabbages.  According to Hasting Veterinary Hospital, vegetables are naturally […] More

  • Treats For Rabbits

    Best Treats To Reward Your Rabbits (Feeding Guide & Tips)

    Providing your rabbit with good and balanced food is essential. Like humans, food is the main source of nutrients in your rabbit’s body. However, once you own a rabbit, its meals are not the only important thing. Giving your pet treats is also recommended.   Aside from eating hay greens and pellets, other food snacks are […] More

  • Potatoes For Rabbits

    Can Your Rabbit Eat Potatoes? (Health Risks & Concerns)

    Different kinds of potatoes are grown worldwide, including native and wild potatoes.  And according to the research of the International Potato Center, potatoes are the third most important plant crop for human consumption. You might also wonder if you can offer this crop to your lovely bunnies.  Before we answer this question, you must first […] More

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