Here Bunny

Info & Care Guides For Pet Bunnies

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  • What Do Rabbits Yawning Tell You

    What Do Rabbits Yawning Tell You? (Reasons Explained)

    Yawning can mean a lot of things to humans. But the most generic answer that we can associate with yawning is because of tiredness.   When it comes to rabbits, they can exhibit different behaviors. It is one of the rabbit facts that these animals sometimes do things that can seem odd to owners. They make […] More

  • What To Do When Your Rabbits Toenail Is Ripped Off

    What To Do When Your Rabbit’s Toenail Is Ripped Off?

    Ripped-off toenails are usually caused by their toenails catching onto something. Once the toenails are broken, they may not regrow, especially when extreme damage happens to your pet’s nails. If the rabbit’s toenail gets pulled out, it is essential to maintain the nail clean and dry to prevent infection.      This commonly happens to rabbits because […] More

  • The Rabbit Scream

    The Rabbit Scream: Understanding What To Do When Your Rabbit Is Screaming

    Rabbits are known for their adorable and playful nature, but it’s important to note that they can exhibit different behaviors that may seem strange or unusual.     One of these behaviors is screaming, which can be alarming for rabbit owners. While some reasons for rabbit screaming may not be too concerning, paying attention to their behavior […] More

  • Do Rabbits Bite

    Do Rabbits Bite? (Reasons, Signs, and Prevention)

    Rabbits are adorable and make wonderful pets. They are soft and gentle and often interact with their owners in playful ways. However, many people wonder if these cute little animals can bite. The answer is yes, rabbits can bite, and there are various reasons why they may do so.     Like any animal, rabbits can exhibit […] More

  • Is Food Coloring Safe For Your Rabbits

    Is Food Coloring Safe For Your Rabbits?

    Food coloring is one of many substances most humans use to add liveliness to things or foods. It is designed to bring color to monotonous food. Moreover, there are various food colors, such as liquids, pastes, gels, and powders. Depending on what you are using it for, there is an appropriate variance that you can […] More

  • How To Stop Rabbits From Fighting

    How to Stop Rabbits From Fighting

    Fighting among rabbits is every pet owner’s worst nightmare, as it can cause injuries and bleeding that can harm your pet’s body, including important parts such as the eyes and ears. This occasionally happens when you own more than two rabbits and they share the same cage, and they become aggressive. According to the Indiana […] More

  • How High Can Rabbits Jump

    How High Can Rabbit Jump? (A Complete Guide to a Rabbit Jump)

    Rabbits are some of the most amazing animals on the planet. Their cute appearance is also very affectionate when it comes to their owner. But their personality is not the only thing you need to look at. Rabbit’s body build is unique.  Although rabbits are small animals, you cannot deny their strong hind legs. It […] More

  • Golden Fire Pellets For Rabbits

    Golden Fire Pellets: A Nutritious and Delicious Feed for Your Rabbits

    When caring for rabbits, providing them with a healthy diet is crucial for their overall well-being and longevity.  While rabbits are known to have a diverse diet that includes vegetables, hay, and water, commercial rabbit pellets have become a popular option for many pet owners due to their convenience and ease of use.  Among the […] More

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