Here Bunny

Info & Care Guides For Pet Bunnies

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  • Can You Give Nutri Cal To Your Rabbits

    Can You Give Nutri-Cal To Your Rabbits?

    Nutri-Cal is a high-energy dietary supplement designed to provide rabbits with essential nutrients and vitamins they may not receive from their regular diet. Veterinarians commonly recommend this supplement for rabbits experiencing nutritional deficiencies, recovering from illness or surgery, or simply needing an extra boost of nutrition.  It is important to note that Nutri-Cal should only […] More

  • Taking Care Of Rabbits While Playing Outside

    Taking Care of Rabbits While Playing Outside

    Many owners tend to forget that playing is part of a rabbit’s lifestyle. Aside from keeping your pet’s body fit, it also makes them happy. According to the Anti-Cruelty Society, part of the rabbit’s personality is being active and playful.  But they also added that rabbits differ from one another.       Like other pet animals, rabbits […] More

  • Do Rabbits Love To Travel

    Do Rabbits Love to Travel? (Reasons Explained & Tips When Required)

    Traveling has been a way for humans to unwind and explore different places. But concerning pets, travel may be too much.  Rabbits do not love to travel. There is a difference between exploring outside and traveling places. Moreover, rabbits get stressed easily in a new environment.   But there are instances when rabbits are required to […] More

  • Are Pine Shavings Safe As A Rabbits Beddings

    Are Pine Shavings Safe as a Rabbit’s Bedding?

    Your pet’s bedding should be comfortable and safe. This will help them to have relaxing sleeping habits. Over the years, pine shavings have been the standard material for pet bedding. Generations of rabbits have been raised in cages using this bedding, but some experts claim pine shavings may not be good for them.  According to […] More

  • Rabbit Wire Brands

    5 Rabbit Wire Brands You Can Trust for Quality and Reliability

    As a rabbit owner, you want to know which brands you can trust to provide top-notch wires that are reliable and durable. With so many choices available, it can be a difficult task to choose the best quality.  In this article, we’ll introduce you to five rabbit wire brands that have earned a reputation for […] More

  • Using Cedar Shaving For Rabbit Cage Beddings

    Using Cedar Shaving for Rabbit Cage Beddings (Tips & Best Brands)

    For many years there has been an argument about whether cedar shavings are safe for rabbits. A strong odor characterizes cedar shavings. That is why some pet owners think it affects the health of their pets. Moreover, breeders avoid untreated cedar shavings because they want to ensure the safety of their pets, especially breeders who […] More

  • Are Rabbits Afraid Of The Dark

    Are Rabbits Afraid of the Dark?

    Rabbits can get distressed because of a lot of things. But the question is, are they also afraid of the dark? According to People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), rabbits are crepuscular animals. So to answer your question, rabbits are not afraid of the dark. This type of animal is most active during […] More

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