
10 Rabbit Behaviors You Should Expect From Your Pets

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It’s easy to notice the different rabbit behaviors once you start raising these cute pets. Aside from having different appearances, different rabbits also have different behaviors and temperaments. Individuals who are planning to raise rabbits must understand that not all rabbits are created equal. This is why it’s very important that we conduct a little research about the breed that we’re about to raise before we buy them.

Although rabbits may have different appearances, behaviors, or temperaments, it’s also important to note that all breeds have the same natural instinct. All rabbits have common behaviors, and this is what we’re going to talk about in this article. It’s necessary that we understand these behaviors for us to have an idea of how to deal with them. 

We’ll set our focus on the 10 rabbit behaviors you should expect from your pets. By learning how they behave, we’ll be able to gain information on how we can help our pets live a happier and healthier life. One of the advantages of knowing these behaviors is that we’ll be able to prepare ourselves for raising them. Regardless of whether you’re raising these rabbits for hobby or for business, as pet owners, it’s our responsibility to understand these beautiful pets. 

Rabbit Behaviors That You Should Expect 

  1. Have Different Personalities and Energy

First of all, let’s understand that these rabbits have different personalities. Some breeds are sweeter than the others. There are also rabbits who are more hyper than others. And even if they are of the same breed, it’s still typical to see them behaving differently. Just like us human beings, there are pets that are friendlier than the others. Also, there are some rabbits out there that prefer to be alone that play with human beings. We should respect this kind of behavior from them.

  1. Rabbits are Hygienic

Although their fur and cut may get stained and it may even be tangled from time to time, you need to know that rabbits are clean creatures. We don’t mean “human” level hygiene. What we mean by this is that they love to groom themselves frequently. There’s no need for you to bathe them as they already know how to clean themselves. What is important is that we provide them a clean cage or enclosure.

Owners need to maintain cleanliness inside their cage or enclosure. Also, it’s very important that we brush their fur from time to time, especially if you own a long-haired breed such as Angora. Also, it’s recommended that we trim their nails every few months. Your pet will surely appreciate these things. 

  1. Some Easily Gets Bored

It’s also important to note that there are indeed rabbits out there that don’t like to socialize with us human beings or with other rabbits. Therefore, we must respect this boundary that they’ve set if we want to keep them happy and healthy. It’s recommended that we provide them toys inside their cage or enclosure. Bear in mind that these pets also need exercise. You can place some paper towel roles inside the cage so they can do their bunny roll or place some items that they can safely chew inside their space. 

  1. Loves Playing

Although these rabbits don’t need to be walked just like dogs, these rabbits still need fun and safe play. They have to have a day out of the cage once in a while. You need to understand that playing with your rabbit does not only make them happier, but it also makes them healthier. Playing with them means that we’re preventing them from becoming obese. Play and exercise also help in promoting healthy digestion. Also, be sure that you supervise them when sending them outside the cage to play. Remember that these rabbits are great escape artists. You don’t want them to get in trouble just because you failed to monitor them. 

  1. Chewy Bunnies

It’s also quite typical for your rabbit to chew and chew. This is because their teeth continuously grow, and they need something to chew or nibble on. You can add some hay inside the cage or any hard wooden toys or branches. Some pet owners would place commercially wood sticks such as apply wood – this is a lot safer. 

Giving your pets something to gnaw will help them have stronger teeth. And since your rabbit loves to chew, be sure that you don’t place the cage or enclosure near wires, moldings, or furniture. Again, if you’re letting then out of their cage, make sure that you monitor them. 

  1. Some are Territorials

Rabbits are also territorial creatures. Yes, just like our beloved dogs. Understanding this kind of behavior should give us an idea of how we should introduce new pets or new breeds inside the cage or enclosure. Every veteran rabbit breeder understands that rabbits role the roost. Although most of the rabbits are extremely friendly and don’t really mind about meeting new friends. Be sure that you provide them enough space for them to hop around and socialize. 

  1. Sociable Creatures

Rabbits need socialization, and it’s important that we are able to provide this need to them. A newly bought rabbit might be shy when they are first taken home, but eventually, they will be able to adapt to the environment. It’s normal that you observe your rabbit hiding and resisting handling, especially during their first day inside your home. But with proper care and nutrition, your rabbit will be able to understand that you are his or her owner and that they will start to wait for your cuddles. Be sure that you learn how to gently and safely handle rabbits. Always support their rear legs when carrying them. 

  1. Binky and Happy Bunnies

Did you know that rabbits ‘purr’ when they are very happy? It’s not the same as the purr of cats. It sounds more like a light chomping or teeth chattering. For father and mother rabbits, these kinds of sound are the sweetest thing in the whole wide world. Next time you hear your rabbit ‘purr’, be thankful and know that your rabbit is having a happy time with you.

  1. The Flop and Dig

It’s also vital to understand the flopping and digging behaviors. Rabbits that are flopping means that they are feeling contented. This is actually a positive behavior. Keep in mind that flopping is different from seizure. Flopping is a normal behavior that simply means that your rabbit is relaxing. Also, it’s natural for rabbits to dig. After all, they love to dig burrows in the wild. It’s an instinctual behavior that can be bothersome and destructive. This is why you have to strategically place the cage or enclosure somewhere where your rabbit will not be able to damage your property. 

  1. Bunny 500

If you’re planning to become a serious rabbit breeder or owner, then you need to know that there is such a thing called Bunny 500. This is when your rabbit starts to become super. They run so fast, hop energetically, zooming in and out. The good news is, this is a very positive behavior. When your rabbit does Bunny 500, this means that he or she is feeling pure excitement. One of the causes of this behavior is that they are expecting a favorite treat from you. 

Prepare their favorite treat and express your love through it. You should be grateful for this kind of behavior since this means that you own a rabbit that is happy, healthy, and excited to see you.

Care Tips for Your Rabbits

Taking care of rabbits is definitely easy, but there are times when they act too rambunctiously. When raising this beautiful pet, you need to be patient and loving at all times. In times they get so wild and energetic, be sure that you remain calm. There are instances that they injure themselves because they are too hyperactive. Loving and responsible owners should always be sensitive to the needs of their rabbits. 

Also, be sure that you feed them with healthy meals. You can feed them with fruits, vegetables, or commercial food items. Also, it’s recommended that you give them some treats from time to time. Again, our goal as a rabbit owner is to ensure that our pets live healthy and happy. 

For first-timers, it’s recommended that we listen to the tips and advice from other rabbit breeders. Learning more about our rabbit’s behavior means that we are trying our best to become the best rabbit owner in the world. Be sure that you ask for tips from the experts regarding feeding, grooming, playing, and how to provide a healthy and happy environment for your beloved bunny. 

Don’t forget to have a contact number of a reputable veterinarian who has enough experience and training in taking care of rabbits. Just like any other creature, our rabbits can also get sick sometimes. Therefore, we need to be ready. Annual physical and health examination is required if we want to ensure that our rabbits are healthy. Do these simple tips, and there’s no doubt that you and your rabbit will enjoy fun and enjoy life together. 

Written by Here Bunny

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