
15 Rabbit Facts for Aspiring Bunny Keepers

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Rabbits are still one of the well-loved pets in the world. This can’t be something to argue with because these creatures are truly amazing in terms of their appearances and characteristics. However, despite the fact that rabbits are popular among pet lovers, these little creatures remain to be the most misinterpreted animals.

Interesting Facts

These creatures are more than being cute, carrot-eating animals. They can hollow out modern tunnels. They can manage to grow and get a weight as much as 20 pounds. They do not mind eating their own poops. There are so many interesting things about these little animals.

Here are some facts every bunny keepers should know to fully understand their pets:

#1 Unique Communication Skills

Rabbits have a unique way of communication. They actually communicate with their friends through a secret code. It is not literally a secret code, though; nevertheless, you can be excused for believing it is because the movement of their body is so exquisite. Rabbits clutch their facial muscles and shift the position of the body when they feel anxious – indications you will not detect if you are not checking out for them. This is the most common reason why they are so misconceived, specifically by the children.

#2 Incredible Ears

The ears of the rabbits cater to two major functions. First, their ears are used for hearing. These amazing creatures have an impressive sense of hearing. They can rotate their ears up to 270 degrees. That remarkable rotation can identify the precise section of a sound or any threats that may be coming near them.

The oversized ears provide another benefit of keeping the rabbits cooled down during the hot season. Greater surface area implies more venues for the body heat to break away from. When rabbits seize their ears and pull them down through their faces to provide them a wash, you formally see one of the most adorable animal gestures in existence.

#3 Eat Their Own Poop!

Rabbits would eat their own poop. Certainly, this is one behavior that is essentially less charming. After getting a meal and digesting it, there are times that the rabbit would eat their poop and have it reprocessed. It may appear crude; however, droppings play an important role in the diet of the rabbit.

They create a unique kind of poop named cecotropes, which are fluffier than their usual pellets and are intended to be eaten. Rabbits have a digestive system that is rapidly moving, and through redigesting the waste, these animals can absorb the nutrients which their bodies failed to have the first time around.

#4 Different Colors and Breeds

Pet rabbits are available in tamed colors and breeds; however, their viewpoint on the world stays very similar to that of their relatives from the wild. Knowing that these creatures are prey animals, their lives are all about endurance, and they are in an incessant state of awareness. This justifies why a lot of rabbits do not like being handled and may bite if you make an attempt – your hands are not very distinct to a bird that descends quickly to capture them.

#5 Baby Rabbits a.k.a Kittens

Baby rabbits are also named as “kittens.” Another term to describe the young is kits. Mature female rabbits are called does while the mature male rabbits are called ducks. Meanwhile, bunny falls into a similar classification of cutesy terms such as doggy and kitty – they are not technically scientific, but all people shall understand what you mean.

#6 They are Solitaries

A single rabbit is solitary. Rabbits are naturally social animals and love the most when they are in the companionship of their own species. The ideal blending would be a neutered male and female. Rabbits are in their saddest time if they are left on their own.

#7 Not Allowed in Ferries

Some ferries do not allow rabbits. A myth says that rabbits are transported for foods nibbled through the hull of a ship in the 17th century, which led to the death of numerous sailors. Up to this day, people are not permitted to carry a rabbit if they pass through the Channel on Brittany Ferries.

#8 Overgrown Teeth are Avoidable

Most issues on overgrown teeth are avoidable. Similar to the fingernails of humans, the teeth of the rabbits grow continuously. A lot of pet owners see doing numerous visits on a veterinarian because their pet rabbit has formed a tooth or related mouth diseases, such as abscesses, as a component and bundle of securing a rabbit shelter. However, the large superiority of rabbit tooth problems can be avoided by simply giving them the appropriate diet.

Their diet in the wild is consists of many gritty, hard-to-gnaw plant food, which will eventually break down a regular bunch of teeth. These animals require a regular supply of fresh grass or hay to chew on – as a matter of fact, 90 percent of their regular diet should be composed of the stuff.

A boundless supply of grass and hay is necessary if the rabbits are to keep their dental and digestive system healthy. Domesticated rabbits that are not given abrasive foods may experience tough scenarios from overgrown teeth, which may deprive them of eating. Remember that grasses that are freshly cut are lethal to rabbits; thus, you should not feed these to your pets.

#9 Happy Binkies!

Rabbits are binky if they feel happy. You can figure out if a rabbit is binkying because the happy rabbit hurdle in the air, spin of the body, and hitting of the feet appear utterly like genuine happiness.

#10 Easily Injured

Young pet rabbits that do not have sufficient room to run and explore around are more inclined to breaking bones based on studies. This is being explained because they do not have suitable opportunities to properly establish their bodies.

#11 Can’t Easily Trick ‘Em

It is difficult to trick with rabbits. These amazing creatures have nearly 360 degrees vision, which permits them to get a vision from behind them, from the sides, and above them without bothering them of turning their heads. They have an impressive vision; however, they were naturally born with eyes shut. The trade-off is that these little creatures have a little blind section straight in front of their faces.

#12 Don’t Hypnotize!

The act of hypnotizing a rabbit can be very dreadful for them. Sometimes referred to as “trancing,” the act of putting a rabbit with their back and brushing the legs on the rear part was a long time ago believed to make the animals relaxed and happy. This gesture is suggested to help create a connection between the owner and the pet. Unfortunately, the entire contrast is true. If a rabbit is put in this position, they are set into “tonic immobility.”

They are making an effort to persuade the predator that they are already lifeless, so the predator shall let go of them. Latest researchers have figured out hypnotized, or tranced, rabbits demonstrate physiological reactions that are the same with those that went through a disquieting case.

#13 Unhealthy Bugs Bunny

Bugs bunny has so much to explain with. Root vegetables are not a natural component of their diet, and carrots contain high sugar; thus should only be given occasionally and in minimal quantities. Cartoons may imply that these creatures can happily endure on a carrot-diet alone. However, you would notice in the wild that rabbits do not feed on root vegetables, and they would rather eat greens such as clovers, weeds, and grasses.

That does not conclude that pet owners cannot give their rabbits some carrots as a treat, but it is important to remember that they should not overdo it. Since carrots are rich in sugar, it can be a cause for tooth decay.

#14 Rabbits and Guinea Pigs are not the Same

Remember that rabbits and guinea pigs will not make a good combination. These lovable little pets are the same in size and are used to laud as the best match; however, experts nowadays acknowledge that these creatures should be kept far from each other. Both creatures employ various ways of communication; thus, they cannot understand one another, and they require unique diets. Moreover, there is also a chance that rabbits can harm the guinea pigs.

#15 Best for Beginners

Rabbits are commonly purchased as beginner pets or given to friends as an Easter present because a lot of people believe that these creatures need minimal works compared to raising a cat or dog. Nevertheless, that is simply not reality. Certain rabbits require more attention and much time than other kinds of pet animals.

They have to be pot-trained. Their house has to be rabbit-proofed to guarantee their safety. If a home is not designed as rabbit-proofed, these little animals may repeatedly make an effort to grind their teeth n furniture, houseplants, or electric wires.


Rabbits may live long. They can even live for as long as 10 years. If you are planning to get a rabbit as a pet, you have to ensure that you are set to accept some weighty responsibilities. If you believe that you are the kind of person who would take the pleasure of imparting your life with a rabbit, then it is important that you learn about the kind of care and nourishment that rabbits require and then check on rabbit rescue group or local shelter.

Written by Here Bunny

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