
13 Expert Care Tips For Your Pet Rabbits

Expert Tips For Your Pet Rabbits

Raising rabbits is fun and challenging. Whether you are a first-time pet owner or have been caring for a rabbit for years, you must know your pet’s needs. Caring for pet rabbits is not simple – it requires dedication and responsibility. Here is an expert guide on caring for a pet rabbit.       

Feeding Caring Tips

1. Hays are important in Rabbits’ Diet.

You might find feeding your rabbit different from other pet animals. They have different nourishment that requires you to take them seriously. Rabbit digestion is more sensitive. You must note what foods your rabbit can safely eat and what cannot.

One of the nourishment that you should secure is hay. This food does great wonders in your pet’s digestive system. Hays are rich in fiber, which helps them improve the metabolism process. Moreover, it also allows your pet to have a strong body system

Moreover, hay is an essential component of managing rabbit teeth’ continuous growth. 

The rabbit’s digestive tract may be outweighed without hay, leading to diarrhea. They may also encounter more dental problems when they age. Therefore, a balanced diet prevents them from catching common diseases and illnesses. 

2. Find Additional Nourishment for Rabbits. 

Aside from regular meals, adding additional nourishment to your pet’s diet is not bad. Veterinary Centers of America stated that fruits and vegetables are good for rabbits as long as you limit the amount. Again, hay should make up most of your pet’s meal. Other types of food are just additional nutrition in their body.

However, unlike humans, who can safely eat most types of fruits and veggies, you need to be extra careful when it comes to rabbits. Some kinds of food contain content unsuitable for rabbits’ stomachs. To guide you better, here is the list of safe foods for rabbits.   

Safe FoodsBenefits
Appleis rich in fiber and antioxidants, helping your rabbit build a strong immune system and digestive function. (Remove the pits and stalk because of cyanide content)
Blueberryis a great source of antioxidants that help fight free radicals inside your rabbit’s body. 
Strawberrycontains Vitamin C and B9, which support respiratory function. 
Watermelonis a good source of hydration for rabbits. It is also packed with nutrients such as potassium, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. 
Cilantrocontains different vitamins and minerals that are good for fighting bacterial infection. 
Carrotskeep your rabbit’s dental parts healthy. It is a good snack option because of its nutritional value. 
Broccoliis packed with fiber that assists in rabbits’ digestive function. 
Zucchiniis low in calories and sugar, making it a great veggie option for rabbits. It also contains many vitamins and minerals, such as potassium and folate. 
CabbageContains vitamins C, K, and fiber that help build immunity and body function in rabbits.

Read More About Rabbit Food:Definitive Guide to Your Rabbit’s Health

3. Offer Reward Treats to Rabbits

Offering treats is also part of your pet’s diet. This will make your pet happy because they will surely love munching on the pieces of food occasionally. 

According to the Humane Society of the United States, treats can also be used in training. Positive reinforcement is important, especially if you want to build habits in your pet. 

In addition, pets depend on their instinct and what is imprinted in their minds. If they do a good job, praising your pet is important. In that way, your pet will grow and develop good behavior as they age.  

4. Proper Transition of Foods is Important to Rabbits

If your rabbit encounters a new food, it’s not ideal to let them enjoy it fully. You need to understand that the digestive function of your pet is sensitive. Overfeeding is not recommended because it can result in health risks in the stomach. You should follow the proper food transition if you want to add new nourishment to their meal.  

To do this:

  • Introduce a small portion of the food you want your rabbit to try.
  • Observe them to see if they will react to the food. Immediately remove the food if they show any sign of an upset stomach. This can only mean one thing, they are unsuitable for new nourishment. 
  • On the contrary, if your pet enjoys it without a problem, you can gradually increase the amount as time goes by until it reaches the desired amount that your pet can take. 

Cleaning Caring Tips

1. Build Grooming Habits in Rabbits

Grooming your pet is an important part of their lifestyle. Aside from ensuring they are clean, you prevent them from catching common diseases such as parasitic infestation. In addition, rabbit fur can also trap some debris and dirt while playing outside. 

When we talk about grooming, it also includes trimming their nails. A rabbit nail is continuously growing, as this article claims. If you don’t trim them, it can also result in ripped-off and overgrown nails, which sometimes causes self-inflicted wounds and injuries in rabbits. When your pet scratches too much, they can accidentally cut their skin. 

2. Dental Hygiene is Important

Although there is no need for you to make an effort to brush your rabbit’s teeth daily, you are expected to keep their mouth and teeth healthy. You should know that your rabbit’s teeth continuously grow and should be maintained. Dental problems can occur if you overlook your pet’s dental health. 

Giving them a chew toy is ideal to prevent this from happening. These toys will help them remove tartars and keep their teeth strong. You can also offer them foods rich in vitamins and minerals that assist dental health. 

3. Clean and Sanitize their Cage

Another thing to remember is to include your rabbit cage. Since rabbits will spend most of their time inside the cage, you must ensure it is safe. In addition, there’s a possibility that your pet can poop and urine there. You need to sanitize it to remove the odor and avoid bacterial growth.  

Health Caring Tips 

1. Rabbits Have a Sensitive Digestive System 

Unlike other pet animals, a rabbit’s digestive system is more sensitive. You must exclusively feed your pet a healthy and balanced diet with only a limited volume of treats added. 

Some commercial products for rabbits are combined with treats rather than formulated with pure pellets. It would be wise to avoid these brands and opt for bags occupied with 100% natural hay-based pellets. 

In addition, their digestive system needs a lot of fiber nutrition. It assists them in having a good function and distributing the nutrition properly throughout their body. 

If your rabbit is experiencing problems in their digestion, one of the results is diarrhea and Gastrointestinal disease. That is why it is important to be always mindful about the food you offer to your pet’s meal.  

2. Rabbits Are Prone to Obesity

Rabbits love eating. They enjoy grinding on different food because it satisfies them. However, because of this, they are also prone to obesity. Overweight rabbits increase the chance of more health complications. It will also lessen their active lifestyle, such as jumping and running, because they will find it hard physically. But you can always avoid obesity in rabbits if you plan and follow a balanced diet meal. 

Although watching your pet making a happy face while eating is enjoyable, know the limitations of food. 

Remember to include a lot of fiber and reduce sugar and calorie intake. If you have doubts, you can always ask your pet’s veterinarian for advice. They will know what the best food suitable for your rabbit is. 

3. Rabbits Can Feel Distressed

Rabbits are sensitive animals that can get easily distressed. Several factors can contribute to the stress level of rabbits. The environment, their mates, sounds, and many more. 

Unfortunately, rabbits can die because of extreme stress or if they are extremely scared. Rabbits are prey animals, so they are on regular alert against predators. An immediate, profound stress or fear attack may lead to a commonly lethal heart attack.

If your rabbit is stressed, some common signs are losing appetite, averting eye contact, and wanting to be alone. It’s best to consult your doctor to provide medication immediately. There might also be underlying problems that cause stress that needs immediate attention.        

Other Caring Tips

1. Rabbits Love to be in a Group

If you adopt one rabbit, it’s expected that you must own another one. Rabbits are sociable animals, so they prefer living in a big group rather than being alone. Moreover, isolation can cause stress in rabbits. You must let them play with their mate and form a bond. In the wild, rabbits also lived in big groups. This helps them avoid predator attacks and makes hunting easier.       

2. Young kids and rabbits do not blend

Rabbits are cute creatures, which is the very common reason why many kids would want to have them. In reality, rabbits make an unpleasant first-time pet for kids. There is a risk when a child handles the rabbit with improper care. 

Remember that rabbits are sensitive and are easily harmed or injured.  They also do not have a tolerance for loud noises or screaming, which many young kids would do when they get excited.

In addition, the rabbit may think of the kid as a danger and start a fight and harm them. Rabbits have sharp nails, which can only cause injury to the kids.

But if you want to have a rabbit while the children are around, ensure to train the pet first. Always keep an eye on both the child and the rabbit. And instead of picking up the rabbit, encourage your kid to play on the floor with the rabbit to have a more relaxing environment.    

3. Rabbits can live long

Rabbits could live up to 8 to 12 years. But they can live more than that, depending on the owner and the lifestyle provided to rabbits. 

When caring for an animal, half of its life now depends on you. How you give them nutritional food, provide medicine, ensure an active lifestyle, and many more. It’s also ideal to ask for professional assistance, especially if the rabbit’s life is on the line. 

Find Out More about Rabbit Care: The Ultimate Guide to Taking Care of Rabbits

Key Takeaways

  • Having a rabbit means responsibilities. As an owner, you must ensure they live a long and healthy life. 
  • Rabbits are more sensitive than other animals. Their body functions work differently, and their diet needs to balance to avoid problems.
  • Feeding Caring Tips:
    • (1) Hays are important to rabbits, 
    • (2) find additional nourishment like veggies and fruits, 
    • (3) offer a reward to rabbits occasionally, (4) do a proper food transition.     
  • Cleaning Caring Tips: 
    • (1) Build a grooming habit
    • (2) Give attention to dental health
    • (3) Sanitize their cage to avoid bacterial growth and infestation
  • Health Caring Tips:
    • (1) Rabbits have a sensitive digestive stomach, 
    • (2) They are prone to obesity because they love eating, 
    • (3) Rabbits can also get distressed, sometimes leading to an early death.   
  • Other Caring Tips: (1) Rabbits prefer to live in groups, (2) Young Kids and Rabbits are not advisable, (3) Rabbits live a long life. 

Written by Here Bunny

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