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  • Treats For Rabbits

    Best Treats To Reward Your Rabbits (Feeding Guide & Tips)

    Providing your rabbit with good and balanced food is essential. Like humans, food is the main source of nutrients in your rabbit’s body. However, once you own a rabbit, its meals are not the only important thing. Giving your pet treats is also recommended.   Aside from eating hay greens and pellets, other food snacks are […] More

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    Is Hot Glue Toxic For Rabbits?

    One of the most important things to consider when taking care of a pet rabbit is to make sure that it is happy. Rabbits are known to be playful little critters that like to spend some time playing with their owner or with other animals they trust to be safe with. However, if you do […] More

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    What Happens When Rabbits Drink Their Pee?

    Image Source Rabbits are known to be a hunting herbivore that ordinarily eats fresh hay and grass. Yet, this fleshy and cellulose-rich food that they use to consume can be perceived to be difficult to digest, and in a span of time, their meal has to get into their stomachs, which can furthermore consist of […] More

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    What Do Your Rabbit’s Green Paws Indicate?

    Image Source Usually, the rabbit’s green paws are common because of the hay. However, there are also times that such green paws might be because of the rabbit’s urine stains. There are some rabbits that sit in their boxes after they urinate, it is common to conduct that usually done by domestic rabbits. This is […] More

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    Do Bunnies Love Belly Rubs?

    Image Source Animals, dogs, in particular, beg their human owners to be touched and be petted. While they are of different families, rabbits are also the same. Depending on their breed or combination of breeds, their fur can be longer than others. Petting in many forms is a way to show love to them while […] More

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    Can Rabbits Have Ear Piercings?

    Image Source A few years ago, a number of wild rabbits in Chicago downtown were seen to have piercings on their ears. While ear piercings may look appealing among humans, such an act serves in opposition to that of a fashion statement. In fact, it was regarded as animal cruelty. Those rabbits were seen in […] More

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    8 Best Water Bottles Perfect For Your Thirsty Rabbits

    Image Source One of the main requirements of rabbits to survive is water. They need to drink water every day in order to hydrate themselves, just like other human beings do. As humans use drinking glasses, rabbits also need something to use when drinking. Though drinking bowls can do the job, sometimes a fresh source […] More

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    Are There Crazy Bunnies?

    Image Source Bunnies are known for their docile, relatively innocent disposition. However, to some with very observant eyes, these animals actually have bigger personalities than we expect them to have. Those who have never own one may not understand their personalities and behaviors. For this reason, some have been led to the conclusion that there […] More

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    9 Food That Can Poison Rabbits?

    Image Source There are different groups of food arrangements that are known to vary depending on the type of animals. Foods that are plants, herbs, and vegetables are listed for herbivores. Carnivores, on the other hand, are recognized to eat various foods that are composed of animal materials. And lastly, the type of animals that […] More

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    7 Comfortable Leashes For Your Rabbits

    Image Source Have you ever thought of going to a park or walking outside with your rabbit? I’m sure you did, and I believe that your bunny loves to see nature even once in a while. While considering walking your pet outside, there are several factors that you need to put in mind. The outside […] More

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    Appearance of Rabbit Dewlap Meaning

    Image Source As a pet owner, everything your rabbit does means something. Being with your bunny most of the time gives you the idea of how she or he acts, how she/he responds to things, the way he/she eats, the way he/she plays with you, and so on. Just the same as other pet animals, […] More

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    8 Best Rabbit Carriers In The Market

    Image Source As a pet parent, you solely consider what will be best for your lovely rabbits. Not only that, you are very careful in giving them their food, but you are also meticulous in looking for the things they need. Giving them much love means giving them comfort. Not only for their desires, but […] More

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